The Betrayal

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(Everyone thought they would win until they found out the truth)

When Han-seok asked for that, Han-seo immediately went to make a phone call. Inside, he was more than relieved that Choi Myung-hee suggested Han-seok hiding abroad.

Han-seo left the room and sent a quick text to Vincenzo. He actually made the call, making seemed legit around Han-seok's security team. Nowhere is safe for now.

When Han-seo got back, he even found out that the assassins Choi Myung-hee had contracted via Vincenzo's adopted brother were found dead. He showed the picture to Han-seok.

"I guess he had abosrbed some of Min-jun's jinx. They're like roaches, hard to die", Han-seok scoffed.

Han-seo tossed the phone to the table. "Miss Choi, what will you do about it?", he chuckled.

Choi Myung-hee urged that they went to the airport now. When they went out, Prosecutor Jung was waiting for them.

"I've come personally to mark this historical day", said the prosecutor.

"You seem happy", Han-seok smirked.

"Why wouldn't I be?", he said before getting his men to cuff Han-seok.

Choi Myung-hee assured Han-seok he will be out soon. Han-seok was cuffed and taken away.

As he went home, Han-seo felt uneasy. He texted Vincenzo and told him of his uneasiness. Vincenzo replied and told him to not make it too obvious.

He entered his penthouse to Haru making him dinner. She frowned when she saw his worried face.

"What's wrong?", she asked.

"Han-seok has been arrested".

"Shouldn't you be happy?", Haru was about to feel relieved.

"I don't think he'll stay in. I've got a bad feeling".

"Don't worry, we'll wait for the announcement tomorrow. I'm sure Prosecutor Jung will make sure he stays in jail", she said, rubbing his back.

Han-seo set his worries aside and ate dinner with her. He helped with the dishes and went to bed with Haru.


Despite last night's event, Han-seo disguised himself and went to Geumga Plaza with Haru. All the tenants seemed happy, thinking they've finally won. Min-jun hugged his sister, feeling happier than ever.

Vincenzo patted Han-seo's back. "I'm sure everything is fine", he said.

"What if...?".

"It's starting!", Mr Nam chimed in and everyone took their seats.

Prosecutor Jung appeared in the screen. "I'm Prosecutor Jung In-kuk of Seoul's Namdongbu Prosecutors' Office. I've been investigating Babel Group on six different charges for the past year. They're all depraved corporate corruption charges that violated the national economic and legal systems...".

Min-jun and Haru fist bumped and smiling ear to ear. Everyone else was just as excited, until...

"...But I must tell the truth now. When Jang Guk-hwan was the chairman, I was eager to make a name for myself and took my investigation too far. As a result, I was demoted...".

Min-jun and Vincenzo looked at each other. Han-seo was already sighing, knew that this was coming.

"...My personal feelings got the better of me. I tried to indict Chairman Jang Han-seok of Babel with unproven claims and I crossed the line once more, causing more damage to Babel Group with yesterday's incident...".

"Is that really him?", Mr Nam pointed out.

"So he switched sides", Cha-young scoffed.

"He betrayed us?", Miss Kwak furrowed her brows together.

"I'm holding this press conference to come clean about my wrongdoings and to recover the trust the Namdongbu office has lost. From now on, I will serve the people of our country without letting my emotions get the better of me. As of today, all the charges against Babel will be dropped and the investigation will be closed. I would like to apologize for the confusion I've caused".

Cha-young reacted by throwing her mug to the screen, cracking it and shattering her mug. She ran out and Vincenzo chased after her.

"I knew this would happen", Han-seo groaned.

Then, Min-jun's phone vibrated. He opened it to see a smug text from Han-seok.

"Guess who's back? - HSJ".

Min-jun scoffed. "How mighty high of him to think he's winning", he mumbled.

"What should we do now?", Mr Tak asked.

Haru stood before them and bowed. "I'm sure we can come up with another plan. For now, we return back to our lives, ok?".

Everyone hugged her, especially Soo-nam, knowing that she must suffer once more. Seok-do even patted Han-seo's back, hoping that could comfort his former employer.

Then, Haru's phone vibrated. She shakily pulled it out and found a message from Han-seok.

"Come to my place tonight. Wear a dress".

Vincenzo came in to see Haru going pale when she showed him the text. Min-jun was more than furious now.

"He's rubbing it in!", Min-jun just wanted to kill that bastard now.

"I won't do it!", Haru ran to Han-seo.

"Is there any other way?", Cha-young turned to Vincenzo.

Vincenzo tugged his hair, wondering what to do. "It seemed you have no choice".

"What?!", Min-jun scoffed.

"I'll go", Cha-young volunteered.

Another text came in. "Haru~ I'm waiting. What's it gonna be? Me or...", a picture of her parents followed.

"That son of-!", Min-jun wanted to run out, but Vincenzo stopped him.

He turned to Haru. "It's ok. There's nothing to be afraid of. Whatever you did that night, do it again".

"Mr Cassano, please...", Han-seo pleaded.

"We have no more cards, Han-seo. Whatever is left, we must use it".

"I rather kill her myself than letting him touching her", said Min-jun.

"Min-jun, you should have faith in your sister more. I know she can do it", said Vincenzo.

"What if he hurt her?", Cha-young asked.

Haru stood up and turned to her boss. "The time when I'll give up is when I'm dead. I promise to be safe, boss".

"Min-jun, come on. We've got work to do", said Vincenzo.

Cha-young and Min-jun hugged her. Han-seo took her home and he didn't let Haru go, not even when they reached Han-seok's building that night.

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