The Revenge

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(Haru and Team Jipuragi exact their vengeance against the crooked detectives. Also, who is the mystery helper that Vincenzo also call?)

"As soon as we exposed him, I'll kill him...", said Vincenzo, "...There's no use in stopping me".

"We're not looking to stop you", said Cha-young.

"Thank you, both of you, but..., I'll have to break that promise I made that I wouldn't hurt anyone".

"We'll let you break that promise, sir", said Haru.

"Promises can be broken out of necessities", said Cha-young.

"I also promise Mr Hong to keep you out of trouble, Miss Haru".

"I think it's time I break from that shell, don't you think so?", Haru smiled.

"Wah, after this, Haru will be a scary lawyer!", Cha-young teased.

Vincenzo used his phone. "Track the detectives. I want to know where they go every minute".


"Sure, I'll let you know if anything interesting comes up", he hung up the call.

The mysterious hooded figured followed the detectives everywhere they go. He followed them to a snooker club and witnessed them getting their cut that was stored in one of the lockers.

He texted Vincenzo before continuing to follow them until they went somewhere secluded to divide the money. Vincenzo met up with his informant and thanked him.

"Let's kick their asses", said the informant.

"Let me get a good angle first", said Vincenzo as he proceeded to interrupt the detectives and took a photo of them with the money.

It wasn't long before Vincenzo and his informant beat up the crooked detectives without breaking much sweat. Although, his informant had to slow down due to his injuries.

"What a workout", his informant sighed.

"You ok? Can you get them into the car?", Vincenzo asked, worriedly.

"Pfftt, piece of cake. Give me two minutes".


The two detectives woke up to find them being tied up to office wheely chairs at an abandoned building. As they struggled to free themselves, Vincenzo appeared, flicking his golden lighter.

"We're the police. You can't do this to us!".

"You told me to do as I like", Vincenzo shrugged before giving a kick that pushed the detectives towards the edge.

"I'll make it so you drop after three pushes", Vincenzo added.

"I say two, if you push hard enough", Haru appeared with a baseball bat.

Vincenzo pushed a brick down and listened for it to land. "That took a while..., or should we drag them another story, Miss Haru?".

"Why are you doing this to us?!".

Vincenzo approached them. "I need the case report for their murder. Their whereabouts, the video footages; everything", he said, flicking his lighter.

"It was a suicide, so all we have are simple reports", the detectives pleaded.

"I'm sure it can be done", said Haru.

"We can't do that! We need the captain's approval to-".

Haru used her bat to hit them, pushing them more and more towards the edge. The detectives tried to stop themselves from falling as they pleaded for their lives and that they will open an investigation.

"Make sure to resign after you hand over the case file..., if you want to live", said Vincenzo.

"What about us? We need to make a living!".

"Miss Hong, what do you think? One more kick?", Vincenzo turned to her.

"Sure, let me try", Cha-young skipped in as she wore her new shoes.

"The shoes don't look good on you, but they do leave quite the impression", said Vincenzo.

"I got a limited edition shoes just for this occasion", she said.

"They're all yours", Haru stepped back.

Haru and the hooded figure watched while eating a bag of popcorn her mother had made earlier. Revenge felt so sweet, seeing the crooked detectives getting punished.

"If you try anything, you two will become the most sought after detectives with the Internal Audit Affair", Cha-young warned them.

"But..., what about our money?".

"I promise that the money you donated will be put to good use", said Vincenzo.

Haru and the mysterious hooded figure fist bumped each other as they sat back. Now, on to the next step.


When Haru didn't pick up her phone, Han-seo became extremely worried. He paced around, wondering if she's ok.

When his phone rang, he thought it was Haru calling him back. When he looked at his phone, it was Han Seung-hyuk.

"What the hell does he want?", he contemplated in answering it.

Han-seo pressed the green button. "Yes Mr Han?".

"Can we meet up? There's something I'd like to discuss with you".

"Sure, where are you?".

Han-seo met up with the CEO of Wusang 15 minutes later. He was thankful that he hadn't changed out of his work clothes yet.

"What can I do for you?", Han-seo asked.

"With all due respect, have you ever thought of..., becoming the CEO?", Han Seung-hyuk asked.

Han-seo looked at him, suspiciously. "What are you implying?".

"Do you think your brother will kill us?".

"Are you suggesting that I betray my brother?".

"Well..., you could be the next CEO. I mean, you have the looks".

"He will kill me before I even try".

"I know about your girlfriend..., I mean Miss Haru. You know she's a target, right? If you're CEO, you can protect her!".

"I may look like a CEO, but I'm not cut to be one", Han-seo sighed.

"Says who?! I'm the CEO of Wusang! I can tell who can be the CEO because I have a lot of hot shot clients!", Han Seung-hyuk burst out in anger.

"Gosh, you could've said it nicely", Han-seo was startled.

"I'm sorry, I'm just on edge ever since..., he killed the prosecutor", Han Seung-hyuk apologised.

"But please, consider it. Unless you want to wait for your brother to kill you first", Han Seung-hyuk added.

Han-seo swallowed the entire drink in one go. Should he bring this man into the plan?

(PS: next update could be a little late because I have a ton of things to do at the office 😭)

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