The Inauguration

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(Haru and Han-seo walk side by side and for once, he wishes that she would be announced as his. Choi Myung-hee and Haru had a little talk during the ceremony


Haru checked herself again in the mirror of the elevator. She ended up with his choice of dress and wore a black dress jacket over it to cover her scars. When the door opened, she went to Han-seok's bedroom and found the CEO was pulling Han-seo by the tie and she quickly pulled them both apart.

"Of course...", Han-seok rolled his eyes before walking away.

Haru helped to fix his tie, worried for him. Han-seo stopped her by gently placing his hands over hers.

"It's nothing, really...", Han-seo shook his head.

"Try not to anger him anymore...".

"I should be saying that to you...".

Haru and Han-seo rode in the car with Han-seok, all were silence. That was, until, Han-seok pulled out a blue box for Haru.

"Open it", he said.

In it was a set of jewelry - necklace, bracelet and a pair of earrings. It had rubies and diamonds surrounding the rubies.

"Thank you", she said.

"Here, let me help", Han-seok took the necklace and put it on around her neck.

He glanced at his little brother, who seemed to not care one bit. Although, Han-seok knew, his brother was jealous of it.

"You look so beautiful with it, darling", Han-seok smiled.

Haru smiled briefly before putting on the bracelet and earrings. They arrived not long after that and walked into the building, with cameras and reporters everywhere.

Haru walked next to Han-seo, right behind Han-seok. Choi Myung-hee  and Han Seung-hyuk walked close by them. Haru stood with the lawyers as the reporters took pictures of the brothers before being ushered upstairs for the inauguration ceremony.

Haru and the Wusang lawyers stepped forward. Choi Myung-hee smiled at Han-seok.

"You will become the true head of Babel starting today", she said.

Han-seo bowed to his brother. "Congratulations, sir".

"It's all thanks to my brother, who did a fine job running the company until now", Han-seok patted his brother on the shoulder.

"We should head upstairs", Han Seung-hyuk chimed in.

"Let's go", Han-seok held out his arms and Haru hooked hers on his, making sure she's visible next to him.

The reporters snapped pictures and asked who she was, but Han Seung-hyuk assured the reporters that all questions will be answered soon. Haru kept her head up with a tight smile as she walked side by side with the monster that tormented her early teen years.

The inauguration was long and horrendous for Haru. She was still recovering from that event at the bridge.

Choi Myung-hee was seated next to Haru. "Relax, this won't take too long".

"I don't like public events like this. I prefer indoor activities or shopping on my own", said Haru.

"Miss Lee, if you keep his smile, I can assure you that he will treat you right".

"Miss Choi, you've seen my scars. I've known him before you ever did and I know, no matter what, he will hurt me. There's no other way round to it".

"Perhaps, but take it from me. Keep him happy and you'll find your life full of roses".

"I rather swallow poison, to be honest", her remarks made Han-seo snorted briefly.

Han-seok answered all questions, confidently. Then, Haru was brought up to the table. Han-seok eyed her and smiled.

Before the camera could turn to Haru, the door was burst open and Prosecutor Jung entered with his men. All eyes were now on him and Han-seok, sending a huge relief to Haru.

Prosecutor Jung turned briefly to Haru, nodding at her. No doubt, this was Vincenzo's doing.

"Chairman Jang Han-seok, I hereby summon you to prosecution office, to answer for the crimes being charged against you!", Prosecutor extended his arm with a letter in it.

Han-seok turned to Haru, who simply shrugged. Choi Myung-hee turned to Haru.

"Did you know about this?".

"I tried to kill myself no more than a few days ago. You really think I'm in a right state of mind to do anything at the moment?", Haru spoke nonchalantly.

Han-seok took the letter like a champ. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to show up".

At the end of the event, Han-seok and the rest went up to his office. After a brief meeting, he dismissed everyone..., except Haru.

Han-seo had a bad feeling and he felt horrid since he can't do a thing about it. Haru gave him a reassuring smile, telling him that she'll be fine.

"Haru, darling, can you come here for a second?", Han-seok beckoned her to come closer.

The minute she was an arm's length, he slapped her hard and split her lip opened. Haru was about to wipe the blood when Han-seok ran his finger over her wound and sucked the blood.

"You could've at least warned me".

"Sorry..., darling. I was recovering from my sudden need to take my own life", Haru wanted to walk away, but Han-seok pulled her back, locking her in his arms.

He lowered himself to the crook of her neck, inhaling the floral scent of her perfume. She shuddered the minute his lips touched her neck.

"The earrings suit you", he whispered, biting at her ear.

She could feel one arm of his loosened to caress her butt while the other was hooking one of her legs to his waist. His lips went back to her neck, biting and sucking on her skin.

Han-seok chuckled as Haru didn't respond at all. "Are you afraid my brother will hear you?", he met her eye to eye.

"You can never be him, Jang Han-seok", she growled.

Han-seok chuckled. "I happened to like my women feisty", he said before slamming his lips against hers.

He sucked the blood from her split lips. Haru let him have this moment, but Han-seok didn't proceed any further.

"Go home and rest. I'll see you soon", he caressed her flustered and bruised cheek.

Han-seo had waited in the car and the minute she entered, his blood boiled to see her cheek and lips. He gently pulled her in his arms, letting her cry it out.

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