The Confrontation

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(Team Jipuragi confronts Min-jun and An on who they really are)

"The International Security Intelligence Service?", Han-seok frowned.

"Yes, they took him because they had to keep an eye on him for national security", said Choi Myung-hee.

"What? Why would they want him?", asked Han-seo.

"I don't know what it is exactly, but I'm sure there's something big behind this", said Han Seung-hyuk.

"Now that the cat is out of the bag, we really need you to hide away, keep your identity concealed", Choi Myung-hee sugested.

"We're up agains an intelligence agency. When it comes to intel, they're better than us. That's what they do", said Han Seung-hyuk.

Han-seok chuckled. "I don't think I need to do that, Miss Choi. They don't have enough concrete proof, besides those two siblings to expose me yet", he said.

"Do you think he could be a spy?", Han Seung-hyuk asked.

"I think he is a spy", said Han-seo.

"Vincenzo! Vincenzo!", Han-seok let out his frustration with a sigh.

"What to do with them?", Han-seok mumbled.

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think Min-jun will stop. Now that he allies himself with Vincenzo, it can be very dangerous for you to be around. At least for a few days..., until we get rid of them, for good", said Han-seo.

Han-seok chuckled. "Little brother, sometimes, I don't know whose side you're on".

"He has a point, sir. We can never expect anything from them. They can make a move when we least expect it. At least, for a few days, starting next Monday", said Choi Myung-hee.

Han-seok sighed and nodded before turning to his brother. "Go to our father's villa. Make sure I have everything I need there".

"Yes, sir", Han-seo nodded.


Both Min-jun and Haru set the coffee down for all of them. An was leaning by the window while Cha-young and Vincenzo sat down with the photos in front of them.

"So..., you two have been watching me the whole time?", Vincenzo asked.

"I'm sorry...", said An, "...It was our mission, so we had no choice".

"Haru had nothing to do with this. Consider her a coincidence", said Min-jun as he sat down the opposite of Team Jipuragi.

"We know everything you've been up to, including your attempt to flush out Jang Han-seok", said An.

"Then, how come you didn't do anything? Mr Lee Min-jun nearly died, y'know", said Cha-young.

"I know the risk when I dipped my toe in dangerous water, Miss Hong", said Min-jun.

"I would've arrested you if you violated the law...", An sighed, "...but, Mr Consigliere fought for justice, the weak, and Buddha. That's why I didn't do anything and that's why Min-jun didn't say anything".

"I never expected that this is your boss", said Haru.

"What do you plan to do with me then?", Vincenzo asked.

"I take it you will continue to fight against Babel, right?", An asked.

"Yes", Vincenzo replied.

An shrugged his overcoat off of his shoulders. "I'm on your side. I want to help you", he said as he approached the table.

"No, wait, listen...", Cha-young stood up, "...This makes no sense at all. Will you really help us?".

"What do you think I've been doing all these times? Horsing around?", Min-jun spoke, earning a glare from Vincenzo.

"Yes, I will continue to help you for the good of our country and justice. Same goes to Min-jun here", said An.

"As you know, I'm in the Mafia and you both work for an intelligence agency", said Vincenzo.

"You think we care about that?", said Min-jun.

"It doesn't matter. I respect you, Mr Consigliere. We both respect you. Why? Because you repented your past sins and are devoted to fight evil", said An.

Team Jipuragi looked at each other before turning to Min-jun. The older Lee siblings simply gave a look to just follow along.

"Then, we will gladly accept your help!", Cha-young said, confidently.

"It's settled then...", said An, "...But, I have three conditions".

Vincenzo groaned while Haru giggled. From the looks of it, Vincenzo has turned An into his number one fan.

"Gosh, three?", Vincenzo looked at him, baffled.

"Number one, you must include me as an official member of your group", said An.

"Okay", Vincenzo nodded.

"Number two, keep our identities secret from the other tenants".

"Okay", Vincenzo nodded again.

"Number three...", An hesitated for a moment, "...Give me a hug".

When Vincenzo agreed, the Lee siblings snorted out a short laugh. Then, seeing them like that, made Vincenzo realised what he just signed up for.


"It's embarrassing to say this, but it's just such a huge honor", said An.

"He said it's a huge honor. Come on, give the man a hug", Cha-young lightly smacked Vincenzo's shoulder.

"What are you talking about?", Vincenzo whispered.

Knowing his boss, Min-jun pushed the chair he was sitting on away to give An some space for the hug. He can anticipate what will happen next.

Vincenzo reluctant got up and held out his hand, offering to shake hands instead. Min-jun looked at his watch and smiled.

"Hana..., du..., se!".

Once Min-jun stopped his count down, An jumped over and literally jumped over to hug Vincenzo. The consigliere pushed the agent off, but An went back for the hug.

Both of Haru and Cha-young looked at each other before turning to Min-jun, who was covering his mouth to hide his laughter. Cha-young turned to her intern.

"I honestly thought intelligence agent would be all cool like James Bond", Cha-young whispered.

"Well, it would be boring if all look and act like James Bond, don't you think?", Haru giggled.


The Lee siblings went back to their family home and found Han-seo leaning by his car. Min-jun went in first, but kept a close eye from inside.

Haru leaned next to Han-seo. "Are you alright?", she asked as she placed her hand above his.

"No...", he mumbled as he rest his head on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok", she pulled him in her arms, gently rubbing his back.

"I can't forgive myself if he hurts you", he sniffled.

"I promise that I will take care of myself. We will win, Jang Han-seo. We will defeat the monster and live happily ever after", she kissed his temple.

Inside, Min-ryu stood next to his son and watched her daughter and the man she loved. He sighed, wondering what will happen to them if....

"Father, what if we lose?", asked Min-jun.

Min-ryu didn't answer. He was afraid to answer. He knew his children and he knew if Han-seo died at the hands of his brother, it will kill Haru and when that happens, Min-ryu will lose his one and only daughter.

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