The Backfired

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(A/N: did we passed 800 votes? Thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 Also I've been dying to post this chapter

Vincenzo gets set up. Min-jun faces his "boss" with Han-seok in the office while Han-seo dodges Han-seok's throw)

When they got the call, Haru and Min-jun raced back to Geumga Plaza. Apparently, the Daechang Daily's CEO was killed and Han-seok had Vincenzo framed for his murder.

Luck was on their side when Seok-do intercepted the man who set it all up and caught him as he was trying to escape. Haru and Min-jun arrived to find the man bound and gagged in Jipuragi.

"Min-jun, can you trace the calls?", Cha-young passed the perpetrator's phone to him.

When the perp refused to answer, Seok-do slapped him over and over again. "Didn't I tell you to not hit me in the face? How many times do I need to hit you to make you talk?!", he ranted as his slaps turned to punches, which Soo-nam and Haru had to pull him back.

"Got it!", said Min-jun.

"Who is it?", asked Cha-young.

"Who else? That old hag working Wusang".

"How can we prove Mr Cassano's innocence?", asked Haru.

"Why don't we take him to Mr Cassano? Maybe he can get him to talk", said Soo-nam.

Since Seok-do's car was a bit small, they took Min-jun's instead. Cha-young got the location and headed there, where Vincenzo was with Mr Tak, who saved him earlier. They dragged the man out to Vincenzo.

"Let's talk in the car", said Vincenzo.

The perp rolled his eyes, but soon, those pair turned frightened when Cha-young mentioned that he needed his jaw to eat. Even Min-jun chimed in, saying his toolbox was in the backseat if Vincenzo needed assistance.

They waited until Vincenzo was done. He walked out and said he knew, confirming what Min-jun had found from the perp's phone. Everyone raised their hands to help him exonerated himself from the crime.

"This is not some back-alley dog fight. I need to prove my innocence first", said Vincenzo.

"Let's all go together then. The more, the better", said Cha-young.

The perpetrator led them to where his hideout was. They stormed the place, bearing various tools as a weapon.

Haru, Vincenzo and Cha-young sat back while Min-jun, Mr Tak, Soo-nam and Seok-do beat the perp's accomplices. Haru somehow pulled out a bag of chocolate and offered some to her bosses.

"Hey, Min-jun, hold him still for me", Soo-nam swung his hammer to one of the accomplices.

"One second, let me practice my swing first", Min-jun swung.

"You know, if your brother isn't on our side, he would totally be Han-seok's strong men", Cha-young remarked.

They tied the accomplices up and dragged them to the police station, using the bad guy's car, delivering the culprits and evidences all together.

Haru made them breakfast the next day. It was then she told Vincenzo and Cha-young about her encounter with Han-seok last night.

"He threatened to get Min-jun fired".

An pulled out his phone and texted quickly. "Don't worry, Min-jun is our director's favourite agent. He wouldn't dare to fire his golden boy".


Han-seo wanted to laugh, but kept his composure. When Haru came home, all smiling and giggling, it made him relieved to see her slowly recovering.

Han-seok questioned the Wusang lawyers on why none of their traps even sprung. More like Vincenzo dodged each and every single one of them.

"I can see why he used to be an ace member of the mafia...", Han-seo spoke, rubbing his chin, "...He's as elusive as a ghost. He's not to be trifled and he's clearly invincible".

Han Seung-hyuk was fidgeting in his seat as Han-seo complimented Vincenzo. Han-seok, out of anger, grabbed one of his office decorations and threw at his younger brother, which Han-seo dodged nonchalantly, as if he was expecting it.

While Han-seok made sure the lawyer who got arrested wouldn't talk, Han-seo got up and picked up the broken decor. He was impressed he was able to dodge his brother's throw.

"Han-seo", he called out to his brother.


"We need to go somewhere".

"What? Oh, right, ok". Han-seo set the decor down and followed his brother out.

Han-seo wondered why they were at the intelligence agency. When they got to the floor intended, Han-seok was met with glares and a cold welcome. He spotted Min-jun at his cubicle, diligently doing his job.

Han-seok arrived outside the director's office. He tapped the assistance's table, who set the paper down and sighed annoyingly.

"Do you have an appointment?", she asked, eyeing Han-seok up and down.

"I don't need an appointment", Han-seok smiled, sweetly.

"No appointment, no meeting".

"Hye-ja, it's ok. He has an appointment, maybe boss has forgotten about it", Min-jun walked over as he put his jacket on and straightening his tie.

Min-jun knocked on the door and entered first. It wasn't long when Hye-ja got a text and opened the door for Han-seok and Han-seo.

"Thank you", Han-seok was still smiling, although deep down, he just wanted to kill her.

Han-seok came face to face with a man in his mid to late 30s, on the contrary to the one he had met at the initial auction, as Min-jun stood close by. Han-seo wondered why Min-jun was so calm at the moment.

"I understand Director Tae is in charge", said Han-seok.

"Director Tae has been called away. For now, I'm in charged. How can I help you?", An smiled, being all calm and professional.

Han-seok spoke to Min-jun's boss, where he learned his name was An Gi-seok. An nodded, taking every word that was uttered out by Han-seok.

Han-seok was leaning behind An while Han-seo was seated and Min-jun stood to face his boss. An sighed and set his glasses down.

"Min-jun, this is such a heavy decision to make. You know how much I value you. You're my number one top staff around here", said An.

Min-jun smirked as he met eye to eye with Han-seok. Both Min-jun and An have always updated the director with whatever was going on and Director Tae agreed to switch places to avoid suspicion.

"So..., it is with a heavy hearted decision..., that I must suspend you", said An again.

"What?!", Han-seok couldn't believe it.

Min-jun wanted to laugh so bad. He took deep breathes and decided to speak.

"Sir, I sincerely apologize. You know me, always pulling pranks on people", Min-jun made a cute face to Han-seok.

"See, Chairman Jang. Min-jun never meant any harm. Just look at him, he can't even hurt a fly. Besides, I can never find a good agent like him", said An, as convincingly as possible.

Han-seok couldn't believe it. Min-jun turned to Han-seo and gave him a discreet wink.

Min-jun turned back to Han-seok. "Chairman Jang, I sincerely apologize for my misbehaving ways. I promise to behave more professionally after this", he bowed.

Han-seok stormed out, followed by his brother. When they were gone, Min-jun and An high fived and laughed it all out.

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