Domestic Environment

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(A/N: In the show, the four of them went back to Han-seok's place for a drink, but I'm switching it up

Han-seok experiences the life that his brother has been living discreetly from the public eyes)

Han-seok entered his room to see a fresh towel, his pajamas and slippers were already waiting for him by the bed. He scoffed and went to clean himself properly.

After shower, he went to the kitchen to find Haru had already placed his bowl and utensils. She sat at the other end and grabbed her textbook to read.

Han-seok eyed the soup. He looked up to see Haru eating hers while her eyes locked on her textbook.

"If I want you dead, you would've been dead a long time ago", she said, without even making an eye contact.

"You didn't know what your brother had planned?".

"I've stepped down from the case".

"Then what's the point in staying with Jipuragi?".

"My internship".

"Wusang can offer a better deal".

"Wusang killed Mr Hong. Trust me, I better off not work there or I might turn into a maniac killer like you".

Han-seok scoffed and sipped a spoonful. He felt oddly..., comforted by the soup. It didn't take him that long to finish his bowl.

Haru set her book down and turned to Han-seok. "Would you like another?", she asked.

Han-seok nodded, weirded out as to why she was nice to him. Was it to get on his good side after what had happened tonight?

"Min-jun learned this when he was sent abroad for training. He used to make it for me when I was ill", Haru spoke as she filled up his bowl.

"Your boyfriend nearly took the fall on my behalf. You should probably cook some for him", Han-seok chuckled.

Haru merely hummed. She didn't have the strength to respond to him more than she needed.

"Are you not afraid? He will go to jail for me. He was more than willing to do it". Again, no response.

"Hey, are you listening?".

"I am. I just don't want to think much of it.

"You don't love him anymore?", Han-seok sounded surprise.

"I love Han-seo with all my heart. Nothing in this world, not even you can change that fact".

Even in bed, Haru was busy reading. This annoyed Han-seok since the light was still up.

"How does Han-seo put up with your reading?", he huffed annoyingly.

"Simple. He bought me a bedside lamp", Haru answered nonchalantly.

"Tch, you're telling me he doesn't mind at all?".

"Sometimes, in a relationship, we must tolerate one another. There were times I had to push him over because of his body heat and he hugged me way too tight and there were times, I annoyed him back by waking him up bright and early".

Han-seok saw how she smiled, a genuine smile. He longed for someone to smile like that when talking about him, not just to kiss up to him.

"I envy him. He has you".

"You could find someone, although I'd like to meet someone who can tolerate you for who you are without dying first", Haru chuckled.

"You think I can be a different person..., had I have loving parents like yours?".

Haru slammed her textbook shut and turned to him. "Having shitty parent doesn't give you the right to excuse your shitty behaviour. There are people in this world whose parents had abandoned them, but they turn out to be good. Just because your father doesn't love you, that doesn't mean you can go around and murder people who went against you. You think I ever spend that much time with my father? Despite his absent, I know he was working to provide for us. I know he loves me even when he rarely say it. Did you see him after you had your men ran my brother with a truck? Did you see him after what you had done to me? My mother told me he never shed a tear for as long as she knew him...".

Haru set her book aside. "...He cried hard. Children are the treasure to their parents, my mother once told me. I'm sorry that your father was a jerk to you, but that doesn't give you any right for what you've done. You're nothing, but a child that craves attention and throws a tantrum when things don't go your way".

Haru got up, but Han-seok pulled her back down. He sat up and turned her to face him. Her eyes were filled with rage, but slowly turned soft. The bruise on her cheek was fading and her lip was healing.

"No one ever showed me love. How am I suppose to know?".

"You don't need an Ivy League to learn what love is. Love comes from here...", Haru placed her hand on her chest, "...Clearly, you know nothing of love".

Haru wanted to get up again, but Han-seok's grip was firm. He had a confused look and seemed lost at words.

"Can you stay for the night?", he asked.

Haru sighed, annoyed, but relented. She switched off the light and turned her back towards him.


Han-seo dunked in his whiskey. He turned to the pink bunny that was now seated on the breakfast stool next to him.

"Gosh, Mr Bunny, what am I to do? Your mother is making me lose sleep and appetite. My brother is making me losing my mind", he complained to the bunny.

"You think your mother and I will live happily ever after?", he asked even when he knew the bunny will never answer him.

"If you have any ideas, I'm all ears", he was sure enough that he's drunk.

"What am I doing, talking to you?", he mumbled, resting his head on the cool marbled countertop.

He missed Haru. He wanted her to be here, but for the plan to work, she must stay there. At this point, she's safer there.

Han-seo dragged himself to bed, grabbing the bunny along. He kicked his shoes off and hugged the bunny to sleep.

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