The Hunt

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(Vincenzo and Min-jun hunt Han-seok down)

The tenants gathered at Arno. The monks had prayed for Cha-young, Han-seo and Haru to get well soon.

"I'm relieved Miss Hong is recovering..., but Miss Haru...", Yeon-jin sniffled.

"What is this, the Wild West? Why shoot a gun?", said Mr Tak.

"Mr Nam, what else did they say about Haru?", Soo-nam asked, worried.

"She was under a lot of stress from the situation. The baby is standing at 50/50 chance of survival since she's quite early to the pregnancy", said Mr Nam.

"Poor baby!", Yeon-jin sobbed.

"Yeobo, don't cry. You're pregnant too, remember?", said Chul-wook.

"At least, he's now officially a wanted criminal", said Miss Kwak.

"He has nowhere to run now. That dirty little bastard...", Larry grumbled.

"We all fought against him without giving up, and it finally paid off", said Chul-wook.

"We're not who we used to be...", said Mi-ri, feeling angry at the whole ordeal, "...Whoever messes with us will have their hair pulled out".

"Let them come...", said Toto, "...I'll make sure no one leaves here in one piece".

"We must stay strong and help them until the end", said Jeokha.

"I'll put my practice on hold for now and fight alongside you", said Chaesin.

"I'll fight with all my might for Mr Cassano", said Joo-eun as she combed her already straight hair.


Vincenzo pulled An away from Arno. "Where are we at Han-seok?".

"My men are tracking him down. It didn't take me long to figure out how to open it. Min-jun guessed Haru's birthday and he was right".

"Oh, one more thing", Vincenzo handed An the drive.

"What's this?".

"The Guillotine file".

An gasped. He finally got it. "Consigliere..., are you sure?", he asked.

"Discuss however it is best to be used with Director Tae, I have a copy with me. Promise me you won't let Min-jun run wild like how we are right now".

"Thank you so much. I will use it for the justice of this country".

Vincenzo smiled, admiring the man's motivation. "Rather than that, use it to trample on your enemy", he said.


"Here's how a villain thinks. Enemies I'm the least afraid of are politicians and government officials who only talk about justice...".

"...Talking about justice doesn't bring about justice. These are the people that I'm most afraid of - pizzeria owners standing outside my house with baseball bats because I raised the protection money...", Vincenzo scoffed, thinking about his time in Italy.

"Keep that in mind, ok?", he patted An's back before walking off.

"I will make sure to follow your teaching, consigliere!".

Vincenzo met up with Min-jun at the hospital. He has changed from the bloodied clothes from last night and into the all black attire from the auction day.

"How are you?", Vincenzo asked.

"Better, let's get that bastard".

"An is still searching, but we should have his location any minute now. I need you to go with Mr Cho and follow Choi Myung-hee".

"But she's in jail".

"I will have her released in the next two or three hours. Time to tie loose ends. Make sure she doesn't leave your sight".

"Si, cosigliere", Min-jun smirked and headed off with Mr Cho, who arrived to pick him up.

While waiting, Mr Cho decided to ask about Haru. "I do hope she and the baby survive. A mother's grief can be very dangerous, given the circumstances of what she had experience".

"We'll make them pay, Mr Cho. We'll make them pay", Min-jun smirked.

When Choi Myung-hee was released, they followed from a distance and updating Vincenzo as they went along. Then, they followed her to Han-seok's place.

"What is she doing there?", Mr Cho asked.

Min-jun quickly called Mi-ri. "Han-seok is attempting to flee the country. I think he sends his lawyer to transfer out his money".

"Don't worry, yeobo. Piece of cake", she said before hanging up.

"Yeobo? You and Miss Seo?", Mr Cho chuckled.

"We'll crack open beers after we handed them to Vincenzo. Then, we can talk about our domestic life", Min-jun chuckled.

After a while, they continued to follow her and Mr Cho updated Vincenzo about their whereabouts. "I think I know where she's going".

"Can we intercept her?", Vincenzo asked.

"You can. We'll cover the guards", said Mr Cho before hanging up.

Vincenzo got there and cracked the passcode with Mi-ri's help. He waited in the dark for Choi Myung-hee to arrive.

Min-jun and Mr Cho waited for a moment after Choi Myung-hee got in. They swiftly took her guards down. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see two intelligence agents managed to defeat an entire team of security.

"What's up, ahjumma?", Min-jun stalked forward, causing Choi Myung-hee to retreat back to the wall.

"Don't be a fool", Mr Cho nudged his head and she obliged, slowly walking towards Vincenzo.

Vincenzo tossed her passport and took a seat at the island. Choi Myung-hee scoffed.

"How could they be so useless when I paid a fortune?".

"When you're facing a predator, it's better to hide than run. Why are you being reckless?", said Vincenzo.

"I didn't know that. I've always been a predator myself".

Vincenzo nodded. "Ah, the money you wired to Jang Han-seok will be used for a good cause".

"It's been intercepted and sent to a place that needs it", said Min-jun.

She sighed and grabbed a can of beer. "You've made a fool of me on so many levels".

"That's my number one specialty..., next to killing". he said.

"Let me finish this, then you can kill me", she said, continuing to drink.

Vincenzo approached her. "Aren't you more of a Zumba person than a beer person?", he said, taking the can and tossed it to the ground.

"I'll let you dance all you want".

"Wha-?", Min-jun knocked her out with his gun.

Min-jun and Mr Cho dragged her into Vincenzo's car. They cleaned up the area and left quickly before the police or anyone else arrived there.

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