The Death of the Monster

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(A/N: the MOMENT we've all been waiting for!

Vincenzo explains how he found Han-seok. Min-jun says goodbye to Han-seok at last


Heading to another abandoned warehouse, at the outskirt of the city, Min-jun set Han-seok to the ground. Vincenzo turned to Min-jun.

"I'll set the chair up. Meanwhile, have fun with him", said Vincenzo.

Han-seok woke up in a dazed first and immediately was met with Min-jun's foot, kicking him in the face. "Come on, Han-seok. Fight!".

Han-seok struggled to get up and Min-jun kicked him in the guts. He stomped Han-seok in the chest and stomach, exhaling loudly.

"What's wrong, you bastard?", Min-jun taunted him.

Han-seok got up, albeit shakily. He charged at Min-jun, but at this rate, he was no match for Min-jun.

Min-jun vented out his anger on Han-seok. All these years of bottled up emotions, today, Min-jun let it out.

Han-seok looked beaten up bad. Vincenzo walked in and found Min-jun, sitting with his back on one of the pillars and a lit cigarette hanging between his lips. He was covered in blood and his hands, especially his knuckles were bruised and bloodied.

"Better?", Vincenzo chuckled.

"Much better", Min-jun chuckled too.

Min-jun strapped Han-seok to the chair that Vincenzo had set up. While waiting, Vincenzo handed Min-jun a small black box.

"Consider it our farewell gift", he said.

Min-jun opened to find a golden lighter with the Cassano crest on it. He smirked as he inspected it.

"We've been indebted to each other. You helped me, I saved you".

"I don't have anything to give you back", Min-jun placed the gift in his pocket.

"Your friendship and family will be my everlasting gift from you", Vincenzo smiled.

"I wish there was a way you can stay...", Min-jun sighed.

Vincenzo shook. "It's time I go. Time to move on, Min-jun", he patted Min-jun's back.

"If I show this to An, he'd be jealous", Min-jun laughed.

"I already gave him the Guillotine file. He looked at it as if that was the ultimate Christmas present", Vincenzo laughed.

"Do you ever think that one day..., you'd be doing all these? Fighting for the smaller people, dressing up as a shaman, making a bank CEO to fall in love with you", Min-jun began to snicker.

"Hey, that last one DID NOT happen!".

"Gosh, I wish I was there. A terrifying consigliere, made a CEO bank fall madly in love with him", Min-jun laughed.

After a while, Han-seok finally woke up. He saw the drill pointing at him and behind it, Min-jun on a chair with a lit cigarette between his lips, looking more like a mafia than an intelligence agent.

Vincenzo appeared behind Min-jun, flickering with his lighter. Han-seok spat the blood in his mouth and struggled to free himself from his bound.

(A/N: I feel like this was such a powerful moment. A consigliere and his loyal follower facing a monster they both hate)

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