The End of the Nightmare

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(This won't be their last goodbye)

Min-jun started the car quickly. He drove Vincenzo to the meeting area near Incheon, where Mr Cho and An were waiting for them.

Mr Cho had diverted the police to Busan and An handed Vincenzo a new passport for him to escape. Vincenzo must board in the next 30 minutes before his fake background check and face recognition expired.

"Thank you", said Vincenzo.

"You should thank Director Tae, not us", said An.

"Please tell him for me then".

"If you can't come back...", said An, saddened to see him go, "...Do give us a call someday".

An hugged Vincenzo, who thanked him for all his help. Min-jun was next.

"Take care of your family, Min-jun...", said Vincenzo, shoving his phone to Min-jun, "...Give them my thanks and thank you for everything".

"Go please, you must hurry...", said Min-jun.

Before Vincenzo left, a car approached them. Min-jun and An were prepared to fight, but it was just Mr Nam and Cha-young.

Cha-young had to see him off because who knows when they'll see each other again. Vincenzo hugged her and for a moment, Min-jun finally saw them as more than co-workers.

Mr Nam hugged Vincenzo, thanking him for everything. Vincenzo quickly left with Mr Cho as the rest watched him left them.

Cha-young broke down. Min-jun urged Mr Nam to take her back to the hospital to resume recovery.

"How's my sister?".

"She's stable and the baby is safe", said Mr Nam.

"What about Mr Lee?", Min-jun asked about Chul-wook.

"Thanks to Mr Park, he's gonna be ok".

Once Mr Nam and Cha-young left, An and Min-jun drove Vincenzo's car fast and hid it in a storage facility that belonged to the intelligence agency. An handed a clean cloth and Min-jun noticed his still bloodied and bruised hands and knuckles.

"Will he be dead by noon tomorrow?", An asked.

"There's only one way to find out", said Min-jun.

The two of them, including newly recruited Jae-hwa arrived to the warehouse the next day. Min-jun approached Han-seok, who seemed to not move, but his breath was ragged and shallowed.


Min-jun grasped Han-seok's hand and sat there in silence. Min-jun prayed silently for Han-seok's soul and he held the man's hand until Han-seok gave out his final breath.

"Hyung...", Jae-hwa approached Min-jun, placing his hand on Min-jun's shoulder.

"Come on, we have to get rid of him", said Min-jun, nonchalantly.

"But where will we take him?", An asked.

Min-jun pulled out Vincenzo's phone. The first reminded popped up and it was an address to a vineyard.

"I know where to go. Come on", said Min-jun.

They placed Han-seok in a body bag and placed him in the trunk. Then, they destroyed the spear of atonement and thoroughly got rid of any evidence that would point towards Min-jun and Vincenzo.

"This feels like a James Bond movie", Jae-hwa sounded giddy and excited as they entered the car.

They waited until nightfall and when the owner had left the place. The trio snuck inside and snuck the body in.

"Hyung, wait! The cameras...", said Jae-hwa.

"Don't worry, one of ours at Geumga is dealing with it", said Min-jun, referring to Mi-ri, who will make sure they leave before erasing the footage.

They found the plot with Vincenzo's name on it, purchased by Cha-young, and carefully dug under the grapes. Taking the body out of the bag, they placed Han-seok in the hole and covered him up. In the end, Han-seok's nightmare came true - he was now buried under a nameless grave.

"Won't people find out?", Jae-hwa asked.

"Nope. By that time, he's already dust and bones...", said Min-jun, "...Why? Backing out now?".

"It's not that! It's just..., I know he deserves this, but I don't want you to get in trouble", said Jae-hwa.

"In our line of duty, we must do what we must...", said An, "...It doesn't matter how, Jae-hwa. The nightmare is over. For us, at least".

Jae-hwa nodded and continued to help covering the hole. They placed the signage back up and quickly left the vineyard.

"So, who's hungry?", Min-jun asked.


Haru had forgotten the whole ordeal. She groaned when she heard Min-jun was snoring nearby her and wondering why was he in her room.

"Hey, asshole! Why are you in my room?", Haru jolted awake, tossing her pillow at him.

"Hey, mind your language! Ju-hyeong might hear it!", Min-jun groaned.

"Ju-hyeong?", then, everything that had transpired came crashing down.

"Relax, sis. Doctor said your baby is fine, so as long as you take it easy, ok?".

"Min-jun, where's Han-seo?", Haru was about to cry.

"He's tough, I give you that. He's in the next room, still not woken up yet".


Min-jun sat down on the bed. Haru saw his bruised knuckles and took them in her hands, shedding tears.

"The monster is gone, Haru. I've made sure of it. He's gone now. You're safe. He will not get to you anymore".

"Is it over, Min-jun? Really?".

"Yes, it is. He's dead now and won't hurt anyone anymore", Min-jun smiled.

Haru hugged him, shedding joyful tears. She was not happy on how things had to end, but it's done nonetheless and they were finally free.

Then, Vincenzo's phone vibrated - a second reminder came up. Min-jun read it and handed it to Haru.

"He left this for you".

Haru took the phone and read the reminder. She smiled at his words.

"Dear Miss Haru,

Thank you for everything. Seeing your spirit and Cha-young's motivation were the reason why I stayed. Otherwise, I couldn't care less about the tenants of Geumga Plaza. My early goal was to get the gold and the Guillotine file. You and Cha-young had shown me many things and for that, I am grateful and indebted to you.

Han-seo was the reason why we managed to defeat Han-seok. I've left a video for him, as a farewell gift. As for Jang Ju-hyeong, tell him that Zio Vincenzo wants him to study hard, so he won't end up like his father.

Give my thanks and apologies to your parents as well. I know they've suffered a lot and I want to thank them for their support in our case.

Perhaps, when it's time, we will see each other again.

Yours truly,
Vincenzo Cassano".

(A/N: zio means uncle in Italian, though please correct me if I'm wrong)

Haru asked Min-jun to help her to go to Han-seo. The doctor, who was checking up on him, updated her on his condition.

"Chairman Jang is expected to make full recovery soon. The bullet only damage his intestines, but we managed to fix him up. Don't worry, miss. He'll be fine", said the doctor.

Haru placed one hand on her stomach and held Han-seo's hand with the other. She smiled and sighed in relief.

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