The Siblings

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(This is to show the different sibling bonds between the Lee siblings and the Jang brothers

A/N: I honestly need to stick to a posting schedule, not posting at random times, unless you guys don't mind it)

Han-seo took in the instructions that Han-seok was giving him. He nodded, assuring his brother that he will do them at once.

"How is Babel Tower going?", Han-seok asked.

"I think the supervising department is experiencing some hiccups", said Han-seo.

That wasn't music to Han-seok's ears. He took a step towards Han-seo and Han-seo stepped back.

"Just shut up and demolish it. We're not building it for our own good...", said Han-seok,

"...Don't you know it's for the prosecutors, the judges, politicians and government officials?".

"I will personally see to it as soon as I get back to the company", said Han-seo.

"I get that you're a fake-", said Han-seok, who gently smacked his brother's cheek, "-but you still must do your best".

"Yes, sir", said Han-seo.

"Don't worry, little brother. I promise to leave your little girlfriend alone if you do this for me, ok?".

"Y-Yes, sir".


"As the CEO, I want to reward you", Cha-young said to Vincenzo.

"Anything I want?", that intrigued Vincenzo.

"We're still here", said Haru with Min-jun giving a small wave to Cha-young.

"I'll treat you two with the best dinner tonight", siad Cha-young, confidently.

"But I'm kinda hungry now", Haru jabbed Min-jun at the ribs.

Min-jun pouted as he rubbed his ribs. Cha-young smiled as she was getting used to these two siblings. She waved them goodbye and went off with Vincenzo.

Haru turned and saw Han-seo heading towards his car. Han-seo turned to her and smiled before leaving the court house.

Min-jun sent a text to Haru. Haru frowned at the phone number that her brother just gave.

"His number. Figured you'd want it. He was the one who warned me that night", said Min-jun as he walked to his car.

Haru stared at the number, wondering if it's safe to call or even text Han-seo. She sent a quick text to Han-seo before skipping ahead to Min-jun's car.


Han-seo's phone vibrated and he took a peek at it. It was from an unknown number, but the text, he knew who was it from.

"Thank you, for warning us that night. When this is all over, let's go on that adventure, shall we?".

Han-seo smirked. It sounded from the cartoon movie Up, but then he remembered the woman, Ellie died from old age.

For a moment, he thought of growing old with Haru, surrounded by their children and grandchildren. He would love them all, something he never experience with his own family apart from his mother.

"Gosh, Lee Haru. I hate when you make me feel all mushy inside", Han-seo mumbled, slowly forming a smile.


Han-seo and his brother prepared some food and held prayer for their deceased father. He stared blankly at the picture of the man that was responsible for his existance.

The brothers drank quite a lot that night. For once, Han-seok allowed his brother to act casually with him while they drank.

"Are you ready? There'll be a storm tomorrow", said Han-seok.

"Yes, I'm ready. I'm as ready as I'll ever be", Han-seo nodded.

"It's just you and me now. You got the company and I got the legal world, ok?".


"I thought our old man was wrong, but he was right. Don't ever put your trust in anyone else or give out compliments".

"I don't trust anyone, but you. I won't listen to anyone, but you".

"Gosh, my little brother", Han-seok patted his brother's back, "If you were just a tad bit smarter, I would've adored you infinitely".

Han-seo chuckled at his brother's remark. He had felt numb to those kinds of words.

Han-seo closed in to his brother. "If I keep on disappointing you, will you do the same to me as you did to Dad?", he asked.

Han-seok chuckled and pinched Han-seo's cheek. "You aren't that stupid, after all".

Now, he pinched both cheeks. "You're quite smart, actually. I'm so proud of you, Jang Han-seo!", he laughed.

Han-seo was confused for a moment before remembering that his brother is tipsy. He bowed to Han-seok, thanking his brother for acknowledging that.

"By the way, I don't like your eyes these days. They reminded me of Dad", Han-seok took a fork and hovered it about an inch away from Han-seo's eyes.

"No, actually..., it's because I didn't get much sleep lately. My eyes are just tired", Han-seo averted his gaze.

"I'm just joking, you idiot. You need to stop thinking about her, little brother. She wants to destroy us both, remember?".

"Y-Yeah, sir".

"You know, I actually don't mind her one bit. It's her brother I hate. Gosh, that arrogant pilot. I can't even kill him!", Han-seok slammed his fist to the table, causing Han-seo to flinch.

"I've got it!", Han-seok smiled as an idea popped into his head.

"Jang Han-seo, I'm giving you a chance. I want you to persuade her to change side. I'll even let you marry her if that's what you wish".

"W-What?", Han-seo felt awake more than ever.

"Seduce her, little brother. In fact, get her in bed. Trust me, that'll piss Lee Min-jun more than ever. His beloved sister..., in the arms of his enemy".

"Hyung, I..., I don't want to do that to her. Please, hyung...", Han-seo pleaded.

"Come on, Han-seo. I've seen the way you look at her, then and now. Don't tell me the thought of her in your bed never crosses your mind", Han-seok chuckled.

"Y-Yes, it did, but not like that. Please, hyung, I'll do anything you ask of me. Just not that", Han-seo could feel the hot tears brimming at his eyes.

Han-seok sighed frustratingly as he leaned back. "Gosh, you really love her. Fine, but I still want her on our side. Do whatever it takes, little brother".

Han-seo went home that night. When he was alone in his room, he broke down terribly.

His sadness turned into anger. No, he won't do that to Haru. He would not.

He pulled out his phone and went to her number. He hesitated before typing.

"I know it's late, but can we meet up, please?".

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