The HeArt Heist

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(A/N: we just passed 700 votes! 🎉🎉🎉

Team Jipuragi x Geumga Plaza tenants. Han-seok attempts to steer Haru away from Han-seo)

Min-jun walked past by his sister's empty bedroom. He entered and sighed, missing her. He smiled at the goofy pictures they're taken together and even the newer ones with Han-seo.

"Don't worry, I'll get you back".

He left to Geumga Plaza via the same route. He met up with Team Jipuragi at Toto's restaurant. Vincenzo began to discuss the plans to steal the account information regarding Han-seok's paper company that's located at an art gallery called Ragusang.

Everyone was more than excited to screw Babel over. Once they got the accounts, Han-seok will be doomed for it.

Vincenzo and Cha-young staked out the place. They found out a way to get in naturally, but the private rental of the venue was fully booked.

Mi-ri managed to hack into the reservation list. Mr Nam scrolled and found a couple schedule to be there in two days.

"Why don't you two disguise as a couple to get in?", Mr Nam suggested.

Vincenzo and Cha-young glanced at each other briefly. Cha-young asked why Mr Nam suggested that.

"Mr Cassano and I can't be a couple, can we? Plus, Min-jun is easily recognised".

Min-jun wanted to chuckle, seeing how Cha-young remarked that it'll be awkward. To him, they make a great couple after knowing them for a while now.

Mi-ri changed the photo, impressing them. She explained what she needed to do in order to get into the accounts.

While Vincenzo and Cha-young went to get ready, Min-jun, An and the rest of the tenants went to prepare for the mission ahead. Seok-do asked if Haru will be joining them.

"It's better that she doesn't know. We will be expecting Chairman Jang there", said Min-jun.

"I really miss her", Soo-nam sighed, nearly getting smacked by Seok-do.

"If you stop daydreaming and start focusing, we might get to see her again!".

Min-jun, Seok-do, Mi-ri and Joo-eun sat in a car nearby, waiting for the signal. The rest got into their characters and the plan was set.


Haru now worked from Han-seo's penthouse. She wasn't expecting anyone until Mr Park entered the penthouse.

"Miss, the chairman is here", he said, looking all worried.

"Is Han-seo with him?".

Mr Park shook his head. "He even brings flowers. I'm extremely worried. Should I inform Mr Jang?".

"Send the chairman up. I'll let Han-seo know".

Haru sent a quick text and made sure Han-seo got her text before silencing her phone. Haru kept all documents and shoved them under the bed.

Han-seok entered, bearing flowers and a paper bag of fast food. "I thought we could eat lunch together", he smiled.

Haru raised her brow. "You could've called and we can go out and eat".

"I don't feel like eating out anyway", he passed her the flowers and set the food on the breakfast bar.

"Does Han-seo know you're coming?".

Han-seok chuckled. "Don't worry, I've made sure to keep him busy".

Haru sat the opposite and took her time to eat as she studied. That got on Han-seok's nerve and he took the textbook away, tossing it aside.

"I prefer you pay attention to me".

"Fine...", Haru sighed, "...How was your day?".

"Boring. How's yours?".

"It was fun..., until you showed up"

"I can make your day fun again. I see you took my advice", he eyed the dress she was wearing.

Haru was wearing a white shirt with an outer pinafore. She frowned and wondered - how is this sexy?

"Eat your food", she rolled her eyes.

"I can make those eyes roll to the back of your head", he chuckled.

"And I can pluck yours out of the socket", Haru glared at him.

"Feisty", he giggled.

Han-seok helped with the dishes as Haru cleared the table. He kept glancing at her and all sorts of ideas came to mind.

Haru could feel his stare and wanting nothing more than to just gauge his eyes out. Out of nowhere, Han-seok grabbed her and pressed his lips on hers.

Haru was caught off guard and let him kissed her. When she realised, she quickly pushed him off.

"What was that for?!", she demanded to know.

"Admit it, you like it. You didn't push me off from the get go", he chuckled.

The door was burst opened and Han-seo appeared. Han-seok chuckled and left the place.

"What did he do?", he asked.

Haru shook her head and slumped to the floor. Han-seo took her to bed.

"I told Mr Park to look after you", Han-seo sighed.

"You can't blame him. You know what happened when someone says no to your brother".

"Why didn't you answer my texts or calls?".

"I just don't want you to get hurt".


"It's like listening to two ghosts talking", Seok-do sighed.

"Shall we have a conversation then?", Min-jun spoke, imitating Mi-ri and Joo-eun.

"What's taking them so long to enter the office?", Seok-do became impatient.

"You think it's easy going undercover? Patience is the key", said Min-jun.

It wasn't long before Cha-young called. Mi-ri began her work and she said she needed at least one to 10 minutes to get the job done.

"Make sure the director is distracted as long as it takes", Min-jun spoke through the comms.

Once Mi-ri cracked the password, she passed the laptop to Joo-eun. They found the file needed and waited for the files to be copied.

"My thighs are drenched in sweats. Please, hurry", Cha-young urged.

"My armpits are sweating too, so don't rush me", said Joo-eun.

"Boss, standby. You're up next", said Min-jun.

The anticipation was growing to the point Mi-ri grabbed Min-jun's hand. They managed to copy the file in time and almost got their cover blown.

"Jang Han-seok, you're doomed now", Min-jun chuckled.

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