He Awakes

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(A/N: since I've got my writing spirit back up, I decided to give you guys a treat with another chapter!

Haru and Min-jun found out what Han-seo had done. Han-seok receives a surprise visit from someone unexpected)

"You..., should've aimed properly".

Han-seok opened his eyes and saw walls of dirt around and towering over him. He couldn't move nor utter a word. He looked up and saw someone.

"Don't worry, no one will ever remember you. You'll rot in there..., forever", Min-jun cackled before covering him with dirt.

Lee Min-jun, the only boy who was not afraid of him. The only boy who had the guts to stand up to his tyranny.

Well, he was his father's son after all. To be honest, Han-seok wanted a father like Min-jun's. He would watch from afar every time his little brother would go to the Lee's house. The father was strict like any other father, but loving, unlike his own father.

If Lee Min-jun was the mirror image of his father, then how did Han-seok became like this? If he had loving parents like the Lee siblings, would he not turned out like this? Could he had became someone entirely different?

Then, he remembered the pain when that idiot brother of his had fired. That bastard..., how dare he? Who does he think he is? Does he think, killing him, would solve all his problems?

Lee Haru. That meek girl. What does she see in his idiot brother? Why would she settle for a fake than an actual CEO? 

He never understood the meaning of love. He never understood the love Haru and Min-jun had with their parents because he never had one with his actual parents. He never understood the love Haru had for Han-seo..., until he met his sunbae.

Hong Cha-young..., he understood now the love between his brother and Haru. His love to his sunbae made him human, but God that woman was stubborn. How could she not see it? All the things he had done for her?

"Just you wait, Han-seo...".


Haru and Min-jun arrived to a halt when they stumbled upon Vincenzo and Cha-young, standing inches away from each other. Cha-young looked like as if she was going to flick his forehead, but somehow she was hesitating.

"Are they going to kiss?", Min-jun whispered.

"Should we just leave?", Haru turned to her brother.

Suddenly, Cha-young used all her might and smacked the Italian consigliere on the forehead as hard as she could. Min-jun snickered, causing the duo to break the tension between them.

"I think I got brain damage", Vincenzo groaned.

"I only used half of my strength, otherwise you would've a fractured skull", Cha-young awkwardly fiddled with her bunny massager. 

Min-jun broke out his laughter and fell first to the floor. Haru grabbed a stack of file and smacked her brother with it. 

Then, Vincenzo got a call. In a split second, he turned to the Lee siblings, looking all serious. He asked whoever had called him to watch over their intended target.

Min-jun stopped laughing and got up. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"Jang Han-seok went hunting with his brother and was shot by accident".

"WHAT?!!!", Min-jun and Haru felt as if their jaws could drop to the floor.

"Did either of you know about this?", Cha-young asked.

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