The Past

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(Haru recalls back that one time in her childhood and shows Vincenzo something

A/N: I'm thinking of Kim Bum as Lee Rang and Han Joon-hwi for the face claim of Lee Min-jun. What do you think?)

Han-seo returned home, too tired after a long day of work. When he got to his room, he frowned when he spotted..., something under the blanket.

He tossed his jacket to the chair and carefully grabbed the hem of his blanket. Pulling it over, he was surprised to find one of his pillow with tons of bloodied syringes.

He was taken aback, scared of the sight. He cursed at whoever did this. He called the police to get this sorted out.

Before they arrived, Han-seo rummaged through his pillows and he panicked. The bracelet..., it's gone!

"No, no, no! Where is it?! No!!", he became angry.

He was angry at everything now. His brother, his life and the fact that his only friend now hated him.


Haru was about to head out of the office upon hearing the commotion when Vincenzo and her brother entered the office. She was surprised to see him up and about as if he never was in an accident at all.

"Miss Haru, I believe this is yours", Vincenzo took out the bracelet she had given to Han-seo when they were young.

"Oh, where did you get this?", she asked, but then, she figured Vincenzo knew where he got it from.

"I gave you that bracelet and you gave that to the bastard?", Min-jun was annoyed.

"I thought it would help him", Haru mumbled as she slid the bracelet back on.

"Tell me more about Jang Han-seo and his brother", Vincenzo leaned by Yu-chan's desk.

"He was born from his father's mistress, his young secretary. All his life, his older brother has tormented and tortured him", said Min-jun.

"Because of that, he resorted to use..., drugs", Haru felt sorry for slapping Han-seo now.

"What did his brother do?", Vincenzo asked.

"He murdered four of his classmates. He even took their watches as trophies. That bastard...", said Min-jun.

Haru shuddered at the thought. She remembered that day very clearly.

"Did he hurt you, Miss Haru?".

Haru hesitated to say, since it gave her nightmare and was the reason why they moved in the first place. Min-jun dragged a chair and pushed Haru gently to sit down.

Haru took Han-seo's hand as they walked to the park near her home. It was a surprise for Haru when Han-seo's mother drove him to her house. She left for an errand and Haru asked her parents if she could take Han-seo to the park nearby.

Han-seo could feel the blush creeping up. He turned to the 13 year old Haru. As she walked, her pigtail swayed back and forth and she smiled widely.

"Thanks for inviting me", said Han-seo.

"No biggie. We're friends, aren't we?", Haru smiled.

At the park, there's a playground set and since's it's a bit early in the evening, it's not yet packed with children. They took the chance and played together.

Han-seo never felt this much happy in ages. Having to escape that hell hole, even if it's just for a few hours was heaven for him.

They sat by the swing set, next to each other. The wind blew gently and there was peace.

"Hey, Haru...", Han-seo voiced out.


"What do you think will happen in 10 years?".

Haru shrugged. "I don't know".

"What do you want to be?".

"I haven't figure it out yet", she said, "What about you?".

"I want to leave this place. I want to go far away from here".

"You are?", Haru sounded sad.

"You can come with me. We can go away together!", Han-seo smiled.

"Will we be married to each other?", she asked, shied after asking such question.

"I was going to ask that", Han-seo blushed.

"Aww, look at the two love birds", his voice startled Han-seo and Haru.

Han-seo quickly pulled Haru behind him. His older brother chuckled at him.

"What makes you think you can protect her?", he chuckled.

"Hyung, please. She hasn't done anything to you!".

"But she's your friend", his brother gave a wicked smile.

Min-jun remembered his mother told him to go check up on Haru and Han-seo at the park. Had he been late, Haru would've died that day.

"Haru and Han-seo went to the park near our old home. His brother jumped them while they were there. He..., he had a knife", said Min-jun.

Min-jun remembered his mother's cries as they took Haru to the hospital. Han-seo cried while apologizing to Min-ryu for not protecting Haru, but Min-ryu couldn't blame Han-seo. He was a victim too.

Haru pulled her sleeves up. "He attacked me, Mr Cassano. He always did that because I was friends with Han-seo. If this is me, then I can't imagine what he has done to Han-seo all the time".

Vincenzo gently took Haru's arms and examined the scars. They had faded, but Vincenzo knew the trauma never went away and he can see that in Haru's eyes.

"I believe Han-seo is no more than a puppet of his brother. He's not capable of harming others, Mr Cassano", said Haru.

"But he's indirectly involved. I cannot excuse him from the crimes Babel has committed", said Vincenzo.

"Perhaps, I can convince him?", Haru suggested.

"Even being seen with you could cause his death and yours too", said Min-jun.

"Min-jun is right. Whatever happens, you can't be seen with him. Not yet, at least", said Vincenzo.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Haru asked.

"Wait, wait, you're not serious? My sister is no pawn of yours".

"Technically, we're already in the game..., and your sister may already have a target to her back. Perhaps..., we can use her connection to Han-seo to a good use", said Vincenzo.

"What if she falls in love with that bastard?", Min-jun got annoyed.

"Hey, that's none of your business!", Haru punched her brother's arm.

"For now, don't do anything rash. Resume your life as it is. I will let you know the next move soon".

"By the way...", Vincenzo leaned back, "What's his brother's name?".

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