The Summoning

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(Han-seo meets up with Han Seung-hyuk. Han-seok makes his first public appearance)

Han-seo opened the lock for Han Seung Hyuk to enter. He apologized since he hadn't drove himself in a while. Han-seo had instructed that he followed the route he had given to avoid detection.

"I did everything you told me to do...", said Han-seo, "...But look what happened! Nothing worked out in my favour!".

"Had you shot him accurately that day, we wouldn't have been-".

"You said I didn't need to aim because it was a shotgun!".

"I'm sorry", Han Seung-hyuk apologized.

"My brother is going to kill me. It's only a matter of time...", Han-seo calmed down a bit, "He'll just keep me around for a while then kill me when I least expect it".

"I doubt he'll do that to you. You are his family", Han Seung-hyuk tried to reassure his boss.

"He killed my father without any hesitation".

"Oh right...".

"Oh right?", Han-seo scoffed.

"But then, that makes you the only family he has now! Let's just think that way. We should stay positive".

"Fine, let's just say that I get lucky and somehow stay alive. Even if I'm alive, there is nothing I can do now. None whatsoever!".

"Are you sure there's nothing? I'm sure there has to be something, sir".

"If I die, he will hurt her. I have to do something, Mr Han. If he hurts her, I will never forgive myself".

"I heard about it. It's lucky that you were there before she did it".

"She's everything to me. My brother did say that if I pulled a stunt one more time, he will hurt me in a way that he knows it will kill me..., and now, he did".

"He wants to announce her as his future bride, not yours", Han Seung-hyuk sighed.

Han-seo gripped the steering wheel, imagining it as his brother. How dare he? To think Haru is no more than his play thing.

"Hah, I got it!", Han Seung-hyuk's bulb lit up.


Han-seo changed his work attire to a casual ones. It's been a while since he hit up the night clubs and he desperately needed a drink.

He promised Haru he wouldn't drink too much, but he was so stressed out. He drank and drank and drank, numbing the pain as he had done many years ago. It was the plan anyway and he must make it look real.

His mind began to spin, the alcohol already taking over. He imagined his brother, having his way around the woman he loved. The saddest part? Han-seo wouldn't be able to help her without causing her death.

A staff noticed how much Han-seo has been drinking and demanding more drink, but rather rudely. He tried to take the bottle from Han-seo, only resulting in him getting punched over and over again.

The owner called the cops and took both Han-seo and the staff to take their statements. The cops were on Wusang's payroll and they called up Choi Myung-hee.

She watched as the younger Jang brother causing a fuss at the station, making a mess, standing on the table and tossing his money at them. She figured he had known about the deal and was probably stress drinking his problems away.

"Mr Jang...", Choi Myung-hee sighed as she called him.

Han-seo turned to see his brother's top dog in front of him. He demanded her to lock them all up and sue them. She could only sigh as she beckoned him to come down, so they can go home.

"I want them all lock up!", Han-seo yelled.

"Mr Jang, please. I know you're upset...".

"Oh, you know? Then do as you're told!".

"Sir, please. I will do it if you promise me to go home, ok? We don't want her to be worried now, would we?".

Han-seo reluctantly followed her back to the car. His head slumped at the window, looking like a mess right now. 

Han-seo fell asleep along the way. His phone began to rang and Choi Myung-hee took it out of the pocket.

Haru's smile was plastered as the wallpaper with one text from her, asking him where he is. Choi Myung-hee contemplated if she should reply on his behalf.

"Han-seo, I've made up my mind", another text entered, causing her brows to furrow. 

"She can't be that serious, is she?", Choi Myung-hee wondered to herself.

"I'm so sorry. I love you so much", another text came in.

"Gosh, these kids will be the death of me", Choi Myung-hee mumbled to herself.


Haru got up and Hana helped her to go down to Jipuragi. Last night, the Lees had a discussion via a video call, regarding the terms Han-seok laid out to her.

Min-jun and Min-ryu were already at Jipuragi, along with Chul-wook, An, Mr Tak, Park Seok-do and Jeon Soo-nam. Min-ryu hugged his daughter, a mixed of emotions bubbled in him.

"Mr Cassano, I've made my decision".

"Wait a minute! What decision?", Seok-do asked.

Vincenzo and Cha-young explained what had happened. Soo-nam, who had grown close to Haru as a friend, looked at Haru as if she had lost her mind.

"No! You're not doing that!", he said.

"I have no choice", Haru said, meekly.

"No choice? Hey, Mr Vincenzo Cassano, tell me we have other options", said Mr Tak.

"This will work in our favour", said Vincenzo.

"That guy is a monster. She'll die if you let her go to him!", said Soo-nam.

"As much as we hate it, but he has a point", Min-jun sighed.

"How is her sleeping with the enemy will help?", Seok-do asked.

"By turning the table to our favour", said An.

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