The Trial

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(Haru faces her fear - the monster behind Babel)

Min-jun knocked the crooked lawyer unconscious. He dragged the man towards Vincenzo's car and dumped the man into the trunk.

Getting to the destination, Min-jun and Vincenzo placed the crooked lawyer into the sleeping bag and set him up near the water. Placing the finishing touches, Min-jun turned to the sleeping bag.

"Have fun, you asshole", he snickered.

When they returned to the office, Haru arrived with coffee. She seemed flustered and apologised for the delay.

"Haru, you ok?", Min-jun tossed his jacket to the chair.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine", she sat down.

Vincenzo studied the intern before him. "Min-jun, perhaps Miss Haru needs sleep before the trial tomorrow".

"Yes, that's what I need!", Haru spoke suddenly.

"Haru, are you sure you're up for it?", Cha-young was worried for her.

"Yeah, boss. No sweat, I'm fine. I'm just tired a bit", Haru let out a nervous laugh.

"C'mon, kiddo. You need to be up and early tomorrow", Min-jun grabbed his jacket and was already out of the door.

"I'm really sorry for worrying you. I promise to do better tomorrow", Haru bid them goodnight.

Back at home, Haru slid under her blanket and recalled the incident earlier. She could feel his fear and worry. She was worried for him too.

The close proximity made her blush. She always had feelings for Han-seo, but Han-seo never seem to respond.

Was it just her? But earlier, when he rest his forehead against hers, she could feel her heartbeat raced and the heat rising to her cheeks, especially when he kissed her hand.

Haru sighed. "Get it together, Haru. Perhaps, he thinks I'm just a friend".

Haru turned off the lights and set the alarm. She adjusted her pillow and slowly, let sleep take over her.


Han-seo laid on his bed and sighed. He never felt that close to Haru.

He felt how soft her hand was under his lips. He wanted to hold her close again. He wanted to kiss her too.

"Lee Haru, what have you done me?", he chuckled.


Min-jun and Haru arrived early at court, along with the tenants of Geumga Plaza. Haru thanked Mr Tak for helping to iron out her clothes.

Everyone scattered out to do their tasks. Min-jun, with Vincenzo providing some manpower, headed into the utility room and hot wired the fuse box, so it's connected to his phone.

He found out which room they were gonna be in. He snuck to the the pipelines and loosened some screws.

Haru, on the other hand, set the documents needed for the trial. She straightened her jacket and greeted Cha-young that just arrived.

"Everything in order?", asked Cha-young.

"Yup, just as you and Mr Cassano requested", Haru smiled.

Her smile quickly died down when HE entered the room. Haru turned to Min-jun, who simply nodded, indicating that he's there if HE tried anything.

Cha-young noted on Haru's sudden uncomfortableness, but decided to ask about it later. They all took their seats and the trial began.

"Ok, just as we rehearsed", said Cha-young.

"Ok, boss", Haru smiled again.

No matter what Cha-young did, Haru just sat there and tried not to laugh. The judge, who was quite concerned when Cha-young suddenly fell unconscious, turned to her.

"Sunbae!", Joon-woo was quick to be by Cha-young's side.

"Aren't you going to help her?", the judge asked Haru.

Haru turned to Cha-young before turning back to the judge. "Just give her a couple minutes".

Choi Myung-hee watched Haru's nonchalant expression. She frowned to see why the intern was extremely calm.

Min-jun snickered and quickly covered his mouth, seeing Cha-young's antics in court. Then, he immediately met eye to eye with HIM.

Min-jun could see the brief flinch. Min-jun gave his signature grin and waved.

Vincenzo cleared his throat and Min-jun quietly tapped his phone. In a flash, the entire court room went dark.

"Oh no, why is there a blackout? Haru, hold my hand", Cha-young pretended to be shocked.

While the court was setting up, Cha-young and Haru turned to Chul-wook and Yeon-jin, who nodded back at them. Haru handed the documents to Cha-young and she presented her arguments to the court.

"Your Honour", Choi Myung-hee spoke, "That remark is unrelated to the case. It's meaningless and a personal attack at that".

"Acknowledged", said the judge, "Please be careful!".

"Yes, Your Honour", Cha-young looked annoyed.

That was the signal for Chul-wook and Yeon-jin to release the giant hornets that they had smuggled in. The buzzing got everyone's attention and immediately turned the court room into chaos.

"Everyone, get out!", Cha-young yelled.

The people panicked and scrambled to get out of the room. Haru simply sat there and watched the commotion, trying not to laugh.

Choi Myung-hee turned to Vincenzo, Haru and the man next to Vincenzo, who was smiling at the sight of the chaos. Seeing their expression, she knew it had to be these three's doings.

Haru watched as Cha-young evaded the hornets, which went straight to the judges and stung his face, thanks to the honey mixed with water that Yeon-jin 'accidentally' spilled at the judge earlier. Haru felt bad for laughing.

Haru turned to Min-jun and the both exchanged their signature signs - double tapped fist to the heart and salute. Haru never felt as excited as she was right now.

The court was dismissed momentarily. When the judge returned, both Haru and Cha-young looked at the judge with swollen face.

"That must've hurt", said Haru, quietly.

"What the-?", Joon-woo didn't believe what he's seeing at the moment.

The judge spoke slowly as he was only allowed to and suspended the trial in a week before collapsing one more time. Min-jun jumped over and helped Haru to carry the documents, all the while giving HIM and Choi Myung-hee the victory smug.

"It feels awesome", Haru whispered giddily.

"One point to us and zero to him", Min-jun held out his fist and Haru bumped hers with his.

"For this victory, spicy tteokbokki on me".

"Now you're talking".

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