The Enemies

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(Haru is about to meet Wusang's new top dog and someone VERY familiar)

Haru woke up that morning to get a call from Vincenzo. She stretched her arms before picking up the phone from answering it.

"You're right", said Vincenzo.

"Right? About what?", Haru stiffled her yawn.

"He's not the boss. He can't even picked up the quotes I mixed up. There's someone else behind Babel and it's not Han-seo".

"Oh, right. I told you, it has to be his older brother".

"Meet me later at the office", Vincenzo hung up.

Haru entered the office and stumbled upon Mr Nam nearly burning himself and a middle aged woman in front of him. She was carrying a plant and dressed well.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?", Haru smiled.

"Who are you?", the woman asked.

"I'm Lee Haru. I'm an intern here".

"I didn't know Jipuragi has the fund to hire an intern", the woman chuckled, "I'm Choi Myung-hee from Wusang".

"Is there anything I can help you with, miss?".

"Oh, right. I'm looking for Vincenzo Cassano", she said, handing the plant to Haru.

"I'm Vincenzo", said Mr Nam.

"Is he?", the woman raised her brow.

"Uh, no, miss. Mr Cassano should arrive shortly. Would you like some drink? I can make you some tea while you wait", said Haru, setting the plant on Cha-young's desk.

The woman nodded and Haru took off to make tea. She served the tea and quickly texted Cha-young, who arrived with Vincenzo not long after.

Haru sat on her desk to observe. She was gonna asked Vincenzo something when Cha-young, her new boss signaled her not to.

"Sore throat", Cha-young mouthed and Haru nodded before sitting back down.

"Now that we served you warm tea, tell us why you're here", said Cha-young.

"You run your own law firm now. I'm here to share a few words of blessing...", said Choi Myung-hee.

"...I got that plant over there. That's called a "stuckyi" and I hear it survives well no matter what. You don't have to water it often. Won't that be easy?".

Vincenzo nodded. He can't afford to voice out and reveal to the ahjumma who he was, not after he had threatened her the other day.

"Anyway, I wanted your law firm to last long like that plant..., and what should you do to last long? You shouldn't act recklessly or foolishly. Just lie low and be as silent as the grave", said Choi Myung-hee some more.

Cha-young nodded and drank her tea. "Thank you for your tip on survival", she smiled.

Choi Myung-hee turned to Vincenzo. "You too, Mr Vincenzo Cassano. Did you understand that?".

Vincenzo nodded silently. Choi Myung-hee could tell that he was bluffing.

"I'm still older than you. Shouldn't you at least answer me?", Choi Myung-hee looked annoyed.

Haru lowered herself behind her laptop, trying to hide her laughter. Vincenzo pointed out that he had 'sore throat', but Choi Myung-hee didn't buy it at all.

"Alright, enough of that. Let's have a brief conversation, ok?".

When Vincenzo answered, Haru placed her hand over her mouth so that Choi Myung-hee couldn't see her laughter that might blew the whole charade up. It was hilarious to see an actual consigliere feigning a sore throat.

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