The Side Project

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(A/N: 5k views 🥺 i wasn't expecting this much of love.

Let's take a break from pursuing Babel and do a little side project)

Haru was going to go to office when Chaesin asked her to meet him at the temple while he went to get Vincenzo and Cha-young. Team Jipuragi sat down with the monk and Chaesin showed them the report.

"Who would report you for malpractice?", Haru frowned as she read the report.

"It was anonymous, so they can't tell us who did it", said Chaesin.

"This is defamation", said Cha-young, "If it's a false accusation, we can sue them for compensation".

"What happens if you can't prove this is not true?", Vincenzo asked.

"We will be suspended and..., the temple will be closed down", said Jeokha, sighing in defeat.

"This is so unfair. He's been devoted to the teachings of Buddha all his life", said Chaesin, referring to Jeokha.

"First, we must find out who wrote such lies online", said Cha-young.

"I can get Min-jun to find out", said Haru.

"I feel so guilty for asking so much from him. He even almost die because he tried to help us", Chaesin sighed.

"It's ok, it won't take him that long to find out", Haru assured them.

Sure enough, Min-jun had found out and under strict instruction, he only informed Vincenzo. He handed the complaint form and the location from where it was submitted online.

"It was Cho Young-woon. He's the manager plaza, isn't he?", Min-jun asked as they met up at the rooftop.

"It's alright, Min-jun. I'll take it from here", said Vincenzo.

"Why would he do such a thing?", Min-jun asked again.

Vincenzo contemplated whether he should tell Min-jun about the situation. Min-jun was smart and it probably won't take him that long to figure it out.

"If you don't pursue this, I promise to tell you why. Just..., not now. It's complicated", said Vincenzo.

Then, Min-jun's phone vibrated. He looked at it and his brows furrowed, which didn't go unnoticed by Vincenzo.

"Is everything alright?".

Min-jun shrugged. "It's just an old friend. I haven't heard from him in a while".

Vincenzo scoffed. "Since we are working together, we shouldn't keep secrets", he detected a lie.

"When you're ready to share yours, I'll share mine. Don't worry, Mr Cassano, it's nothing I can handle", Min-jun flashed out his signature grin.


Min-jun was surprised to get a text from Han-seo. He was even more surprised with his request.

He didn't know why he had said yes and when he got there, Han-seo was with another man that Min-jun recognised as the CEO of Wusang. He stopped, wondering if he had willingly entered a trap.

"It's ok, it's just us", said Han-seo, "I've killed the CCTV. We should be safe for tonight".

"Tonight?", Min-jun tilted his head, curious.

"Chairman Jang will be hiding here starting Monday", said Han Seung-hyuk.

"You could've just texted me instead of asking me to come", Min-jun rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"I just want to ask you a favour", Han-seo stood up and approached Min-jun.

"Teach me how to shoot".

"What?", Min-jun looked shock.

"He's a bad shooter", Han Seung-hyuk whispered.

Min-jun sighed. "Wait for me outside", he said before returning to his car.

Han-seo and Han Seung-hyuk walked out to find Min-jun had set up targets at the bench. Min-jun handed them ear mufflers and proceeded to ask Han-seo to shoot, without questioning him at first.

"Can't you teach me the basic first?", Han-seo looked unsure.

"Just shoot, you idiot", Min-jun glared at him.

Of course, he missed the targets. Min-jun smacked his forehead and wondered how this man will be able to protect his sister.

"Aim at the bottle", said Min-jun.

Han-seo extended his arm and pointed to the middle bottle. Min-jun approached and checked his posture, the way he held the pistol and the way his finger rest at the trigger.

"Your finger is far too extended. It's supposed to be like this", Min-jun gently fixed the way Han-seo held the gun while Han Seung-hyuk watched on.

"Relax. Don't pull too hard. Gently squeeze it", Min-jun stepped back and stood next to Han Seung-hyuk.

Han-seo took deep breath before doing as Min-jun told. He fired and the middle bottle broke into tiny pieces. For once, he felt a sense of achievement.

"You did it!", Han Seung-hyuk clapped.

Min-jun pulled Han-seo aside, out of the CEO of Wusang's ear shot. He took the gun and set it aside.

"Are you going to tell me what you're planning? Does Haru know about this?", Min-jun crossed his arms, tired of everyone keeping secrets.

"He threatened to hurt Haru. I want to be able to defend her if that ever happens".

Min-jun scoffed. "Whatever you're doing, just remember. Don't be afraid and never regret what you've set your mind on".

"I know", Han-seo nodded.

"I'm serious, Han-seo. What are you planning? I have to know because if you get yourself in sticky situations that none of us can help, you have to get yourself out of it", said Min-jun.

The lesser people that knew, the better, Han-seo thought. He shook his head and smiled.

"Thank you for teaching me how to shoot. I promise to not be so reckless", he bowed in gratitude.

Min-jun walked away and gathered his things. Before he left, he pulled Han Seung-hyuk by the tie.

"If he dies, you're next", Min-jun warned.

"Y-yes, sir", Han Seung-hyuk nodded, nervously.

Min-jun went home and found Haru and their mother watching tv while Min-ryu was reading the papers nearby. Min-jun tossed the keys and hung his jacket at the coat rack.

"Ah, Min-jun. Come and sit with us. Haru just made some tea", Hana beckoned him to sit with them.

Haru poured a cup for her brother, who thanked her and took a sip. The warm tea soothed his tired muscles.

"You're home late. I thought you're on your on leave", Min-ryu pointed out.

"Dear, let him be. He has worked so hard and at least, he doesn't come home drunk", said Hana.

Min-jun contemplated to tell Haru or Vincenzo. He had a horrid feeling that something bad will happen and little that he knew, a few days later, he was right.

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