The Farewell

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(Vincenzo gives Prosecutor Jung another chance. Min-jun and Han-seok sit down for one final peaceful talk)

With the Guillotine file as leverage, Team Jipuragi managed to resume their trial against Babel. In addition, Vincenzo, of course had a little talk with the judge handling their case.

Haru headed out first and Han-seo would join them later at court. Haru helped Cha-young out with the documents and evidences and took down important notes during the trials.

Team Wusang wasn't as organized as Team Jipuragi as the lawyer assisting Choi Myung-hee were still searching the files pertaining to their case. Han-seo arrived and instead of sitting on the defendant side, he sat next to Vincenzo.

Min-jun had an inkling feeling and he turned around to meet eye to eye with Prosecutor Jung. He turned back around and whispered to Vincenzo, who nodded.

Cha-young called out Vincenzo as their first witness and he presented a video as a support. Choi Myung-hee tried to throw the evidence out, but failed as the judge insisted on watching it.

There were two videos - one was from the night Han-seok had gathered his most inner circle and bribed them with golden toad figures. The other video was of the auction, but Han-seo, Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk's faces were blurred out.

This raised a question for Choi Myung-hee and it bothered her. She turned to Vincenzo, who gestured to her to smile.

While recessing, Min-jun discreetly followed Prosecutor Jung to the restroom. Once the rest of the occupants had left, he signalled to Vincenzo and locked him and that traitorous prosecutor inside.

Anyone tried to enter, Min-jun just smiled and told them there was a leaked toilet and the plumbers and cleaners were busy cleaning. He apologized and sent them off.

When Vincenzo was done, he tapped the door and Min-jun unlocked it. Min-jun peeked in to see Prosecutor Jung was still alive.

"Why is he still alive?".

"I'm giving him a chance".


"Just for a day or two".

"Then we kill him?".

Vincenzo chuckled. "Looks like I've corrupted you".

Babel Group's ownership has been nullified and the tenants celebrated their success. As for Han-seo, he had taken his role as chairman seriously, stopping the RDU-90's production and trying his best to clean up the mess his brother had made.

"You really look like a real chairman now. I'm so proud of you", Han Seung-hyuk complimented him.

"Why would you be? You're not my mom...", Han-seo chuckled, "...What is it you want to discuss?".

"You watched the video at the trial yesterday, right? Only our faces were blurred. He did it so he could kill us. So, you and I should join hands again-".

"No, I'm with Vincenzo", Han-seo interrupted him as his eyes focused on the documents in hand.


"Vincenzo's in a different league from you. I'm teaming up with the pro. Besides, my soon to be wife is on his side and I would never double cross her".

"But still, you can't just toss me out like this! I helped you out a lot!".

"Did you?".

The door opened and Haru was there, holding a bento with a smile. "Jagiya~, lunch time!", she said.

Han-seo pressed the call button. "Mr Go? Mr Han is leaving. Please get his car, he's in a hurry".

"No, I'm not. Can I join you?", Han Seung-hyuk pleaded.

Mr Go opened the door and bowed to the chief prosecutor. "Sir, your car is waiting for you".

Haru waved at him with a smug. Once he left, she set up the coffee table for Han-seo to eat lunch with her.


Min-jun followed Vincenzo to see Han-seok. He wanted to see the psycho's face as they broke the news to him.

In Min-jun's hands was a box. He let Vincenzo do the talking first.

"Why are you here? To gloat to my face that you've won?", Han-seok asked.

"If you just hear the news, you might not actually feel it", Vincenzo showed the miniature model of Babel Tower now in pieces.

"Sorry we broke into your place. Min-jun and I had some fun and he was sad that you didn't eat the food Haru had made that day...".

"...But what a relief. It wasn't a real tower. If it was...", Vincenzo glanced at Min-jun, "...Min-jun would've have the time of his life".

"In the end, you've become someone's dog, Lee Min-jun", Han-seok chuckled, but Min-jun stayed quiet.

"Now that Babel Tower has been brought down, you must know what's next...", Vincenzo continued.

"...I'm a hungry cat now".

"Fine, see if you can eat me whole".

"I will when you get out, right after our celebration".

"When I get out, I won't be Chairman Jang Han-seok...".

"Is that so?", Vincenzo scoffed.

"I'll be the Jang Han-seok that the asshole next to you know, a monster that had no inhibitions. You won't be going up against the chairman of Babel, just plain old me", Han-seok smiled menacingly.

"That will be interesting, won't it Min-jun?", Vincenzo chuckled lightly and Min-jun stayed quiet.

"You know my past very well...", Han-seok turned to Min-jun, "...What I did to my friends when I was young. What I did to Haru..., your watches will probably end up in my walk-in closet".

"Suit yourself...", Vincenzo stood up, "...I have a knack for straightening up delinquent kids".

Vincenzo patted Min-jun's shoulder. "I'll wait by the car", he said before leaving.

Min-jun sighed first thing first. He pushed the box close to the window.

"What's this?", Han-seok asked.

Min-jun opened it and emptied it of its content - the watches that Han-seok took from his victims. Min-jun grabbed two of them.

"These belonged to Park Chang-min and Kim Yeon-shin. You probably don't give a shit about them, but I do. The three of us promised to be pilots together and fly into the sky like Tom Cruise", Min-jun finally spoke.

"Why are you telling me this?", Han-seok groaned.

"I thought a lot about what you said to me, the night you came to me at the pojangmacha and..., you're right".

"I am?", Han-seok looked surprised.

"In another life, we could've been friends, just as your brother and my sister are. You and I may be different, but we could've been friends, Jang Han-seok. I pity you sometimes. Those who you surround yourself with were never true to you, that's why you don't understand how close I am to Chang-min and Yeon-shin. You don't understand how my sister loves that idiot brother of yours. You don't understand what a family is because you don't have that".

"I don't need your pity".

"This will be the last time we see each other. I hope..., in another lifetime, we can be friends. I believe everyone can be changed. Farewell, Jang Han-seok".

Min-jun got up and gathered the watches back into the box. This time, he gave a proper salute and a courteous bow before leaving the prison.

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