The Video

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(A/N: the video message was inspired from Tale of Nine Tailed. Also, I think I can finish posting the story maybe later today plus another chapter to thank you all.

Han-seo wakes up)

Haru was discharged not long. When she returned to Geumga Plaza, everyone celebrated her return. Yeon-jin hugged her in tears, worried for Haru and her baby.

"It's ok, Yeon-jin. I'm fine", Haru smiled.

Soo-nam gave her mint chocolate chip ice cream and iced latte. "I know it's not healthy for pregnant women to drink coffee too much, but I figured since we've won, I think it's ok".

Haru and Cha-young hugged each other, feeling a huge relief that was finally lifted up from their shoulders. Mr Nam also joined in the hug, shedding tears.

"Now, I want you to take it easy, ok? At least, until you passed the dangerous phase", said Cha-young.

"Yes, since that night, you have to rest a lot", said Mr Nam.

Haru giggled. "Alright, but you two don't have to coddle me too much. I'm fine, really".

For Cha-young, that night would forever etched in her head. Haru's scream, the gunshot, Han-seo almost dying; it will always be a constant reminder to her.

During lunch, Cha-young and Haru sat at Miss Kwak's snackbar, eating tteokbokki. Cha-young was spacing out and Haru could guess why.

"Instead of Han-seok, just remember him as Jang Joon-woo, your happy, cheerful and caring intern from Wusang", said Haru.

Cha-young sighed. "I tried, but the more I want that to happen, the more I kept thinking about Han-seok".

Haru grasped Cha-young's hand. "It's ok. It's hard, I know. I can't tell you to not think of him because what he has done to us will forever scar us, but it's all we can do, to just remember the happier memories of the deceased".

"Did..., Min-jun tell you where he buried Han-seok?".

Haru shook her head. "Did he tell you?".

Cha-young nodded. "But Mr Cassano told me to never tell you or Han-seo. It's for the best, he said".

"I think..., if he had seek help for..., what he had done, maybe he won't turn out like this. Maybe he would've been Jang Joon-woo".

Cha-young nodded and smiled. Miss Kwak placed a plate of tteokbokki in front of them.

"Enough dwelling of the past. It's time we move forward", she smiled.


Han-seo not only feel his head throbbing, but his abdominal area too. He looked around and understood that he was in the hospital.

A nurse entered and was surprised to see him awake. She called for the doctor and got Han-seo checked.

"Doctor, my fiancée..., is she here too?", Han-seo asked.

"She was discharged last week and she should be coming over in 30 minutes. She does that everyday".

True to his words, Haru arrived, wheelchair bound and being pushed by Hana and Yu-ri. Haru and Yu-ri were so happy to see him awake.


"I nearly lost our baby, but I promise to be more careful after this", Haru smiled.

After making sure Han-seo was ok, Yu-ri knew Haru would want to talk about Han-seok with Han-seo. She asked Hana to accompany her to the cafeteria to get something to eat.


Haru explained what Min-jun had told her, from the port fight to Han-seok's demise. Min-jun purposely didn't include the part where he held Han-seok's hand until he drew his last breath and where he had buried Han-seok.

To Min-jun, he knew how his friends died alone, but somehow, he didn't want Han-seok to die alone. It's better that less people knew about the burial site, the better.


"He had no choice, Han-seo. The police are looking for him, even now. We can twist our words, but the evidences were clear...", said Haru before setting the phone on Han-seo's lap, "...He left something for you though".

Haru propped up the phone before snuggling next to Han-seo and played the video. The background was in Jipuragi, probably the day after the event at the hunting villa. Vincenzo started with a sigh.

"Jang Han-seo, I know I promised that I would do a week long farewell party, as per mafia tradition. Sadly, time is not on our side. I'm sorry..., little brother...".

"...The only thing I hope for you is, if you make it, do as you've promised me. That's all I ask of you. Haru loves you. Stop being reckless after this, you punk. You're about to be a father. I already told Ju-hyeong to study hard so your child doesn't end up like you...",

Vincenzo chuckled and shook his head. "Ju-hyeong..., gosh it sounds so weird when I said it. Out of all the names in the world, you two have to pick that name. Maybe because I don't know if it's a boy or girl and maybe because I haven't meet him yet...",

"...Perhaps, one day..., we can see each other again. I'm proud of you, Han-seo. From the idiot I met at the gym to someone who grew up because he needs to and was willing to take the bullet, I'm proud of you, little brother. Take care of Haru and Ju-hyeong. I've given specific instructions to Min-jun if you go do something foolish and reckless again. Ciao, fratellino".

The video ended with Vincenzo smiling. Han-seo shed tears, happy to at least get a goodbye from his Vin-hyung.

Han-seo laid back on his pillow, smiling. "Is this real? Like..., I'm not dreaming?".

"We can be together and no one can stop us. He won't hurt you, me or Ju-hyeong ever again", Haru snuggled.

"You know what?".


"We should get married".

"Like..., right now?", and Han-seo nodded.

"Absolutely not!", Yu-ri came in with Hana.

Haru helped Han-seo to sit up. "Grandma, why not? I wanted to make her my wife as soon as possible".

"Then, next time, don't knock her up before getting married", Yu-ri's answer made Haru giggled.

"Han-seo, don't worry. She's still far ahead before the baby starts to show. Recover first, ok?", Hana assured her.

For his flesh, it took him days and as for his muscles, maybe weeks. Physically, his scar will fade, but emotionally? It may take Han-seo and Haru years to get through the emotional abuse Han-seok had casted upon them, but together, they can get through it.

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