The Intervention

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(Han-seo and Cha-young take care of Haru. Vincenzo sits down with the Lees to speak about Han-seok's terms. Cha-young answers a call, discreetly)


Vincenzo could feel the calm before the storm and he didn't know who is scarier - Min-ryu, Min-jun or Hana. An was already blocking Min-jun from leaving.

"Sir, move", Min-jun was pissed beyond reason, but An stood his ground.

"We nearly lost you once. I rather see him in jail, so don't you think about it!".

Min-ryu turned to his wife. "You still think this boy can be fixed? There's no fixing him, Hana", he spoke.

"Why did you think he turned out the way he is now?".

"Hana..., there's no turning back for him. If we don't stop him, our daughter's life and honour will be the price".

"I intend to keep my word, to keep her safe. Please have faith in us, we will take him down. Whatever it takes", said Vincenzo.

Hana took the first page and stared at number four. Her tears were brimming in her eyes. Her precious child, now a pawn in this dangerous game. Her heart ached, hating herself for being unable to help her own child.

"Haru will be safe, Mrs Lee. I promise", said Vincenzo.


Cha-young unlocked the door to Vincenzo's apartment while Han-seo carried her inside. He set her on the couch while Cha-young made some tea.

"Haru..., you'll be safe here, ok?".

Haru's eyes were empty and dead like. Cha-young set the tea on the small coffee table next to where Han-seo sat down.

"Haru, come on, lie down", said Cha-young.

Han-seo helped her to lie down on the couch. "I'll get her things from my place. I'll be right back".

Han-seo kissed Haru's temple. "I'll be right back, ok?".

He rushed back to his place and gathered her things in a hurry. He instructed Mr Park to stay with Haru at Geumga Plaza and to make sure Haru is safe.

Han-seo returned back to Vincenzo's place. Haru was fast asleep while Cha-young was cooking some noodles.

"Are those her things?", Cha-young turned when she heard him coming in.

"Yeah, these are most of her things at my place", Han-seo set it by the couch that Haru occupied.

"You know what she said after you left?".


"If she had done it, it wouldn't make a difference. Han-seok will still go after her family and ultimately..., you".

Han-seo sighed, wondering when this will end. "My father thought sending him away would make what he had done go away too, but he was wrong. He killed my father, Miss Hong and he didn't bat an eye when he did it. He's using her against me, knowing that this will kill us both. He knows that this will hurt me and it will hurt her even more".

"I didn't think he would go towards that", Cha-young sighed as she placed the noodles in the bowls.

"I know you hoped that this is just a bad dream, that your intern is just as innocent as he looks, but I can assure you..., this is all very real. I've faced him majority of my life. You've seen Haru's scars. You've seen what he had done. He won't stop..., until those who oppose him dies".

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