The Retreat

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(A/N: sorry for the break. I've gotten so busy with work. New posting schedule - once a week. I hope you do enjoy this chapter :)

Han-seok retreats to a hideout. Vincenzo gets arrested in the middle of a game)

All eyes were on Han-seok now. He scoffed and his lips etched a smirk.

"You think you've won?", he whispered at Haru.

"Of course..., Chairman Jang", Cha-young crossed her arms.

"Sunbae...", Han-seok stepped forward.

"No! You lied to me!", Cha-young wanted to slap the shit outta him, but Vincenzo held her back.

Han-seok turned to Haru, who slowly stepped back with a victorious smug. He turned to see the two men, who Cha-young picked up at the plaza earlier, Chul Wook and Mr Nam were already blocking the exit path.

Han-seok let out a laugh, which made Cha-young frustrated even more. "What now? Are you going to kill me?", he asked.

"No", Vincenzo tucked his gun away.

"No? What do you mean no?!", said Cha-young.

"We have much work to do, Miss Hong. For now, we let him go".

Then, Cha-young realised that Vincenzo made a point - they still need to expose him to the public and expose all the atrocities that he had done. She sighed and turned.

"Go..., and never show yourself to me ever again", said Cha-young.

Han-seok glared at Haru, who gave him a wave. She had became as irritable as her brother had been.

Han-seok turned to see Chul-wook and Mr Nam cleared the path for him. He got into his car and drove off fast, not noticing his brother's car parked nearby.

Min-jun let Han-seo go, who scrambled out of the car to get to Haru. He held her in his arms, the worries in him finally washed away.

"Don't ever do that!", he said.

"Sorry", she melted in his arms, feeling safe.

"Use me next time. I don't want you to get hurt ever again", he kissed her.


Han-seok stopped at the side road and stomped his other phone, angrily. He has been outed by that meek little girl and he hated it.

Then, Han-seok's other phone rang. He took it out and looked at the screen - restricted number.

Han-seok swiped to answer and placed it to his ear. "Hello?", he spoke first.

"Don't worry, the public will know who you are soon enough", the familiar voice spoke.

"So, the truck didn't do the trick", he scoffed.

"I told you. You can't kill someone who has been trained to kill. Between you and I, we're different. I was trained to protect and you were born to destroy. Don't worry, justice will consume you soon enough. Hurt my sister, I will destroy everything you ever owned..., but then again, that's exactly what I will be doing", Min-jun chuckled.

"You know you will never expose me that easy".

"Oh, that's not my job. That's Mr Cassano's. I'm just lending a hand".

"Lending a hand? Who would help you? I destroyed you and your reputation!", Han-seok yelled.

"You're not the only one who has friends with power", Min-jun hung up.

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