The Promise

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(Han-seo got down on his knees to apologize)

When Cha-young heard the news, she rushed to the hospital. She almost broke down, but remained strong for Vincenzo's sake.

He asked her to stay with Ms Oh's body. He turned to Min-jun with the picture of the culprit.

"30 minutes", was all he said.

Min-jun found the address and stood watch until Vincenzo arrived. He got there and turned to the agent.

"You can go. I'll be fine".

"I'll stay and make sure no stops you", said Min-jun.

In his line of work, it was his duty to keep the peace, but this was a different case. If he was in Vincenzo's shoes, he would've done the same. Tonight, Min-jun would turn a blind eye for Vincenzo.


Haru heard the gunshot, but Han-seo shielded her, not wanting her to see the whole ordeal. Vincenzo's eyes looked dead and expressing no emotions whatsoever.

Vincenzo was covered in blood and he had a silencer on his gun. Han-seo quickly pulled Haru behind the couch, making sure she's safe.

Vincenzo stepped forward, the gun was up. Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk sunk back to their seats, trying to protect themselves.

Han-seok fell to the ground, shocked at the sight. At the same time, his lips formed a brief smirked, happy to see this reaction from his adversary.

Vincenzo fired three rounds blindly, showing warnings and causing Han-seok to take cover. He lowered his gun and sighed.

"Killing my mother..., wasn't just evil. It was utterly foolish...".

"...I know you killed countless people and even tried to kill me and those around me..., but do you know why I won't kill you now? Because it would be a hassle".

Vincenzo approached Han-seok. "I have a job to do. If I kill you know, it would be an inconvenience for me a lot. Killing them, these small flies wouldn't, though...", he pointed to the Wusang lawyers before taking a seat.

"...Anyway, you have to die now".

Han Seung-hyuk pleaded for his life. Vincenzo turned to find Han-seo shielding Haru from his sight, which he silently thanked the man. He doesn't want Haru to see him like this.

"Don't be scared, it won't be today...", said Vincenzo.

"...You see, I've got a principle. 'A painless death is a blessing'", Han-seok scoffed at Vincenzo's words.

"I will give you two things...", Vincenzo turned to the leader of Babel Group, "...A humiliation worse than death and..., a slow death, where you'll experience it every step of the way".

"You can take care of that garbage...", Vincenzo pointed out to his mother's murderer, "...And don't even think about pinning it on me. If you do, people will find out who put him up to it".

Vincenzo got up to leave, but stopped himself. He turned back to Han-seok, aiming his gun at him. Han-seok couldn't escape as the chair behind him blocked his escape.

"Here's a preview", Vincenzo shot Han-seok on his ear lobe.

Vincenzo turned to Han-seo, holding out his hand. "Miss Haru, come. Your brother is waiting for you".

Haru kissed Han-seo briefly before following Vincenzo out, half afraid of him, but half relieved that was over. Min-jun arrived and drove them back to the hospital in silence.

Vincenzo took his jacket off and handed it to Haru, which she thanked him for. Vincenzo didn't answer, but simply stared ahead.

"Mr Cassano..., Han-seo had nothing to do with it. Please, don't kill him", Haru sobbed, her voice were almost like a whisper.

Min-jun shook his head at Haru. Vincenzo didn't reply, but he knew that. Just..., he can't think of it right now.

At the hospital, Haru and Cha-young hugged, letting Vincenzo walked passed by them to enter the morgue. Min-jun called his parents and told them of the news.

Hana broke down in tears upon hearing the news. She wanted to go back to her children, but Min-jun forbade them.

"Not now, mama. Just stay there, ok? When it's over, Haru and I will come and get you two ourselves".

"Min-jun, please take care, ok?", Hana sobbed.

"I know, mama. We love you", Min-jun hung up, not wanting his mother to hear him cry.

Min-jun let Vincenzo cried as much as he wanted before gently pulling him back so the mortician can do his job. He had rung An earlier, to request the monks and the tenants to help with the funeral.

Haru didn't know if it's a good idea to have Han-seo at the funeral, but the younger Jang came anyway. He approached Vincenzo and went down to his knees.

"I'm so sorry, Mr Cassano. I truly didn't know. I understand if you want to kill me, but please know that I have nothing to do with what they had planned. I tried finding out, but I was too late as always", Han-seo said, remoursefully.

Haru got down next to Han-seo. "If you're going to kill him, kill me too. I don't think I can live without him by my side, Mr Cassano", she sobbed.

Vincenzo didn't want to cry. He got down to Han-seo, whose head was touching the floor.

"Jang Han-seo, just promise me one thing".

Han-seo looked up, his teary eyes looked at Vincenzo's. "What can I do? Please, tell me".

"If Haru dies, you'll be next".

"Yes, sir".

Han-seo helped out with the funeral, lending his shoulder for Haru to cry on. He couldn't care anymore, not after last night. He even got a slap from Han-seok for even suggesting that he stayed overnight at the hospital.

Han-seo thought back to his own mother. His grandparents were the only people that comforted him. Then, his grandfather later died, which Han-seo's father forbade him to attend the funeral.

He vowed that one day, when he got married, he will love his wife and children. He will shower them with all the love he never had. He will protect them, even if it means his own life will be at the line.

He knew, he didn't do much of a good job lately, but after last night, he promised himself. No more running and no more being a coward. He must entered the board and play the game or else, Han-seok will kill again.

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