The Fight

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(Haru and Han-seo argue when someone tips Haru off on who sent the men to break into Vincenzo and Cha-young's house

A/N: we passed 100 votes 🥺 you guys are the best and I'm glad you enjoy this little story)

Hana entered Haru's bedroom as Haru tied her hair. Haru greeted her mother with a hug.

"Are you still not talking to him? It's been two days", said Hana.

"He hasn't replied to any of my texts or answer my calls", Haru sighed.

"He's trying to protect her", Min-ryu chimed in as he walked past by.

Hana gently rubbed Haru's back. "I'm sure he'll come around", she smiled.

Haru greeted Mr Park, who opened the door for her. He drove her to work as usual.

As Haru walked past by Toto's restaurant, An called out to her. He handed her a tiffin lunchbox.

"Your brother is a dear friend and a patron. I miss him. This is what he always order. I hope you enjoy it", said An.

"Thank you, Mr An", Haru smiled.

"I pray we win and I hope we can clear his name", said An.

"I do hope so too. They don't know him like we do", Haru waved at him before going into the office.


"Don't you be giving me excuses...", Han-seok threatened, "...That just makes your mistake stand out".

"I just want to help you...", Han-seo looked down.

"Then, be useful..., or else, I will open my big mouth and let your little girlfriend know what you've done".

"She's not-", Han-seok halted his brother's words by pulling him by the tie.

"You think I don't know she's been staying with you, hmm? How stupid do you think I am?-", Han-seok glared, "-The only reason I'm allowing it because she's not much of a nuisance to me, not more than you are. So I suggest you better stop doing things behind my back. Got it?".

"Y-yes, sir".


Cha-young poked Vincenzo with her bunny massager, pointing at Haru. Vincenzo turned to see Haru barely focusing on her report.

"Miss Haru, are you ok?", Haru snapped from her train of thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine", she said.

"Did you two fight or something?", Cha-young asked.

"Don't worry, Haru. He loves you too much. I bet he'll be working his way to apologize to you", Mr Nam said, confidently.

Haru simply nodded. Before Cha-young could question further, her phone rang.

She had been avoiding Han-seok's call. Haru approached her table and picked up the phone for her.

"Hong Cha-young's phone, this is Lee Haru speaking", Haru spoke in her usual cheerful self.


Han-seok scoffed hearing her voice. "Can I tak to sunbae?", he asked.

"Sorry, she's busy discussing with Mr Cassano. Can I take a message?".

"How's the funeral?", Han-seok chuckled.

"It went well, thank you for asking", Haru's voice never deter.

"Oh, I'm sure you've heard of the break in. I know who did it", Han-seok chuckled some more.

"I'll be sure to tell your beloved sunbae that. Should I tell her your real name too?", Haru fired back.

"Jang Han-seo did it".


Haru's smile slowly faltered. Vincenzo caught her as she nearly collapsed.

Haru switched on loudspeaker and the rest stayed silent. "What? What did you just say?".

"It was my brother. He sent men to hurt your beloved boss and Mr Cassano".

"You're lying", Haru was seething with anger.

"Fine, go and ask him yourself", Han-seok hung up.

Haru was shaking in anger. Vincenzo told Cha-young and Mr Nam to stay put while he went to find Han-seo.

Haru broke down, wondering why Han-seo would do that to the people closest to her. Mr Nam tossed a marker to the wall.

"That punk..., who does he think he is?", Mr Nam grumbled.

Cha-young hugged Haru. "I'm sure he's just trying to rile you up. Don't let him get to you".

"He said he didn't want to see me again!", Haru sniffled.

Cha-young could only rubbed her back and let Haru cried it out.


Vincenzo questioned Mr Park what had happened between Haru and Han-seo. The middle aged man explained what he knew and what he and Mr Go theorised.

Vincenzo then proceeded to drive to Babel Group and stop his car just as Han-seo arrived. He chuckled, seeing Han-seo had doubled his security teams.

"What are you planning, Jang Han-seo?", Vincenzo mumbled.

Vincenzo pulled out his phone and dialed. "Hey, I need your help with something".


Han-seo felt bad for what he has done. He kept looking at his phone, wondering if he should call her, after she had left texts upon texts to him.

"This is for her own good, Han-seo. You're doing this for her own good", he mumbled to himself.

He didn't even hold on to his own word. Han-seo went to the rooftop and dialed her number.


While eating the food An made for her, her phone rung. It was Han-seo. She wondered if what Han-seok said was true.

Haru answered the phone. "What do you want?", she asked.

"Haru, please listen. I'm doing this for your own good", said Han-seo.

"Sending men to hurt Mr Cassano and Miss Hong were for my own good?".

There was a fleeting moment of pause. "Haru..., it's not what you think", he said.

"Not what I think?! You sent men to hurt the people I care for! My family was nearly hurt and my brother...", Haru sobbed.

"Haru, please listen. I love you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you in any way", he pleaded.

"You're no different than Han-seok! When you get Babel, I bet you won't need me anymore!".

"Haru, don't say that! I need you. My heart is yours. Please, listen to me", Han-seo sobbed.

"Goodbye, Jang Han-seo", Haru ended the call and broke down on her own.

Haru felt a pair of arms pulling her close. She hugged him, soaking his shirt with her tears.


Han-seo could feel the anger bubbling in him. Han-seok must've told her to spite him.

He would've tossed his phone, but when he looked at the wallpaper - the picture Mr Nam had taken for them at the amusement park the other day, he sat back down. Han-seo ran his fingers through his gelled hair.

"Just you wait, Jang Han-seok. Just you wait...", Han-seo grumbled.

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