The Dinner

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(Han-seo feels scared more than ever. Han-seo must decide soon before Haru becomes the next victim)

Haru arrived at Han-seo's place through the emergency entrance. Her chauffer that Han-seo had hired, Mr Park told her what he heard from Mr Go - Han-seo would be held back a little while longer.

"It's ok, I'll wait for him upstairs then", Haru bid Mr Park goodnight before going up.

Haru took a bath and changed into her pajamas. She had her own, but she preferred to wear his shirt as her pajamas.

Haru prepared his pajamas for when Han-seo came home later. She slid under the blanket to read her book with the pink bunny next to her while waiting for him to come home.


Han-seo's smile faded at the prosecutor's remark. No doubt, with Han-seok hearing this through the phone, he will NOT be pleased.

Han-seok already called in some people for whatever he was planning to do to those prosecutors tonight. He suited up and waited.

Han-seo got the text from his brother. Han-seo took Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk to the meeting area.

What Han Seung-hyuk and Choi Myung-hee weren't expecting from that night was that the Jang brothers kidnapping the prosecutors. What those two and Han-seo himself didn't anticipate and it took them by surprise was Jang Han-seok coming in, masked by his hockey gear and a mask before he bludgeoned one of the prosecutors to death.

Han-seo wasn't that much of surprise, but he masked his emotions well. He figured his brother doing this to send a warning to the other prosecutor that his wishes will not be denied.

Han-seo, Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk stood in front of Han-seok, who was sitting as he washed the blood of his hockey stick. He was even humming, not even caring one bit that he had murdered a high ranking prosecutor.

"You should've given us a heads-up", Han-seo voiced out.

"Surprise!", Han-seok spoke as if this was just a game to him.

"Isn't this nice?", Han-seok hopped of the tractor that he sat on.

"With all due respect, sir...", said the scared Han Seung-hyuk, "...This could be a huge problem later on".

"Nothing's a problem for me as long as I don't feel like shit", said Han-seok as he wiped the blood off, complaining then why it won't come off.

Han-seok hopped off and Han Seung-hyuk immediately went behind Choi Myung-hee. He was deathly scared now after what he had just witnessed.

"I'll change things to the way it once was, starting today...", Han-seok approached the three of them, slamming his stick to the ground, "...And I'll show them what they're up against".

"I'll do as you say, sir", said the ever loyal Choi Myung-hee.

"I'll do my best too!", Han Seung-hyuk stepped forward, putting on a brave face before hiding behind Choi Myung-hee again.

Han-seok set his stick on Han-seo's shoulder. "I want you to fatten up the security around yourself. You're my Achilles heel", he said.

"Y-Yes, sir. I'll do that", Han-seo nodded.

Han-seok walked away, but he stopped for a moment. He turned to his brother with an eerie smile.

"Say hi to Haru for me when you get home".

That made Han-seo's blood ran cold. Someone must've spilled to his brother. Han-seo could only smile and bowed to him.

As Han-seo approached his car, his phone vibrated. He waited until Mr Go drove quite the distance before even looking at his phone.

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