The Bait

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(Haru offers herself to lure Babo out, risking her own life in the process

A/N: in the series, Vincenzo lured the killers and ultimately, Han-seok at the underpass. since this has turned into an accidental AU, Haru will lure him elsewhere)

Cha-young reluctantly went to meet up with Han-seok, who called earlier, saying that he had information on the murder. She arrived and sat down in front of him.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?", Han-seok frowned.

"It's nothing...", Cha-young shook her head, "...What is it? What information you got?".

"......Nothing", he smiled.


"I just missed you", he smiled, sweetly. 

Cha-young wondered how this man was the CEO of the very company that murdered her father. A part of her wished she didn't know that.

"I'm worried about you. You've been working too hard. Come, let's eat".

Suddenly, Han-seok's phone vibrated. His smile dropped when he read the text.

"I told her who you are - MJL".

His eye flinched at the initial, written in English. Was this the real person..., or another of Vincenzo's tactic to lure him out? Then, another text came in.

"Come to the park. You know which one".

Cha-young's phone rang next. "What? Mr Cassano went to lure the killers? Why are you telling this now?".

Han-seok froze for a second. No, they won't use her against him, right? But..., if this was really Min-jun, he must've told her and Cha-young would've known who he was all along. The Lee siblings were the only ones outside his circle that knew what he looked like.

 "Whatever, I'll meet you in front of the plaza", Cha-young hung up.

"What's wrong? What is it?", Han-seok asked.

"Something bad might happen to Mr Cassano", said Cha-young before she hurriedly walked away.

"I'll come with you! Sunbae, your bag!", Han-seok grabbed his coat and her bag.

Cha-young frantically searched her bag for her keys when Han-seok offered to drive her, stating that she can't drive in this state. At this point, Cha-young set everything aside because she was worried for Vincenzo. What Cha-young didn't notice during her worries was the text Han-seok had sent before reaching the car.


Min-jun turned to Han-seo. "Whatever happens, you stay in the car. If your brother sees you, we all would be dead", he said.

"He's probably sending his assassins. Haru can get hurt!".

"She won't..., not when I'm here", Min-jun fired up his laptop and hooked himself into the neighbouring security cameras.

Haru arrived with Vincenzo, but she didn't see Han-seo and Min-jun hidden at the corner of the other end of the park. Vincenzo grasped her hands gently.

"Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you", he said.

"Take care you don't hurt", she said.

Haru sat on the swings and for a moment, it took her back to that ill fated day. She remembered Han-seo telling her about going on an adventure, together with her.

 "Three targets, approaching at 2", Min-jun spoke through the earpiece.

"Don't worry, Miss Haru. I'm nearby", Vincenzo spoke.

The three assassins treaded carefully. The park was dimly lit and they spotted Haru swinging gently at the swing.

"What about her?".

"We're here for Vincenzo Cassano. We were given strict orders not to hurt her".

They approached Haru. They noticed the scars on her arms and wondered why was she there.

Out of the sudden, bullets were fired at them. The assassins took cover behind some bushes and other playground equipments.

Vincenzo walked out of his hiding spot and kept on firing with his gun that had been equipped with a silencer. Haru backed away a little, out of the line of fire. 

Min-jun used one hand to monitor the situation while the other hand had to hold Han-seo in place. He understood that Han-seo was worried, but Haru knew the risk.

Haru grabbed a large stick and hit one of the assassins out cold before Vincenzo had to pull her back when the other assassin was aiming his gun at her. 

Even with one hand, Han-seo couldn't shake Min-jun off of him. He can't stand to let Haru be in the line of danger.

Vincenzo managed to disarm and and beat up the three assassins. He went to the leader and rummaged through the pocket for a phone. 

Vincenzo unlocked the phone with the leader's thumbprint. He went through the call logs and showed the screen.

"Who is the chairman?", Vincenzo asked.

"I don't know".

Vincenzo replied by pressing his knee onto the leader's bullet wound. "Last time, who is the chairman?".

The leader refused to say a word. Then, a car arrived and Cha-young ran towards Vincenzo.

Haru saw the jealousy etched in Han-seok's face whe Cha-young hugged Vincenzo and expressed her worries. She asked him why he went alone when they were partners.

"Isn't that what partners are for? To share the burden together?", she said.

Then, Cha-young saw Haru, staring dead at Han-seok. Her arms were exposed, despite it being a cold night.

Haru tilted her head and gave a smirk. She walked closer to him and whispered.


(PS: updates been delayed because I feel burned out physically and emotionally..., and I feel like this story might flop, but not to worries. Writing gives me great joy and I just want to write. I will once I get some rest and feel a bit better emotionally. Sorry this chapter is a bit short and if you're not satisfied with this chapter. I will do my best in the next one)

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