Hospital Visit

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(Han-seok let Haru go to Han-seo and Han-seo surprises Haru when he meets up with her to see Ms Oh)

Haru was already up and about when Han-seok woke up. She was already dressed for work, wearing her usual plain coloured blouse, dark pants and cardigan. She had told Cha-young that she'll be joining her to see Ms Oh at the hospital.

"You should wear a dress", Han-seok got up from his pillow.

"I prefer a pants, easier to run around in".

"Don't tell me you and my brother never had a..., quick moment?", Han-seok chuckled as he towered over her.

"Your brother has a code of honour..., unlike you", Haru rolled her eyes as she grabbed her bag.

Han-seok grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. He caressed her cheek rather gently, which was a weird thing for him to do.

"Fine..., since we're not publicly announced, you can go back to him...", he sighed, "...But, make no mistake. I'm still the one pulling the strings, got it?".

Haru tugged her arm free and walked out. She wanted to break down and cry, so bad.

"Miss Haru, are you ok?", Mr Park asked.

"I'll be fine", she smiled at him through the mirror.

"Where to?".

"Can we go back to Han-seo's? I'm worried for him".

Mr Park nodded and drove her there. Haru greeted Mr Go, who took her up to the penthouse.

"Has he been eating well?", she asked.

"He ate very little and drank mostly, but not too much. I pray that all this will resolve soon. I was so thankful that prosecutor walked in just in the nick of time, otherwise, people will think you're to marry him".

"Mr Cassano knows what he's doing. I have faith in him. I owe him a lot".

Haru looked at the whiskey bottle and glass at the breakfast bar and sighed. She went inside the bedroom and found Han-seo snuggling with her bunny.

She gently combed his hair with her fingers, smiling when he mentioned her name in his sleep. He hugged the bunny tighter and whined.

"Haru~, why must you leave me?".

"I'm right here, silly", Haru giggled.

Han-seo jolted awake, hearing her giggles. He pulled her in his arms, thankful to have her home once more.

"I'm fine, Han-seo. He didn't do anything to me last night".

"I wasn't expecting your brother and Mr Cassano to straight out pouring blood on him".

"Trust me, Min-jun is down to do anything when it comes to your brother", Haru giggled.

"I'm just relieved he didn't do anything to you", Han-seo leaned on the headboard of his bed.

"Did something happened afterwards?".

Han-seo swallowed the lump in his throat. "I tried to take the blame, but you know what he said? I shouldn't take the blame for something so small. He plans if I have to take the fall, it'll be for bigger charges like tax evasion and paper companies".

Haru grasped his hands. "Hey, don't worry. We'll get through this, ok?".

Han-seo nodded and let Haru pulled him out of bed. She pushed him to the bathroom while she prepared him breakfast.

"You're doing anything today?", Han-seo asked, all dressed up for work.

"I'll be visiting Ms Oh at the hospital today with Cha-young and Mr Cassano. Other than that, nothing much".

They ate breakfast and Han-seo sent her to her car. He waved her goodbye before leaving for work himself.

When Haru arrived at Geumga Plaza, Cha-young and Vincenzo just got back from their meeting with Prosecutor Jung. Cha-young embraced Haru, relieved to see her ok.

"Are we still going to visit Ms Oh today?", Haru asked.

"Are you up for it? You don't have to come with us today", said Vincenzo.

Haru shook her head and smiled. "I'll feel much better if I can see her".

"Right, let's go", said Cha-young.

They took Vincenzo's car and made a pit stop to get her something. When they got there, there was a white paper bag in Ms Oh's lap.

She hesitated at first, eyeing Vincenzo before handing the bag to Cha-young. It was a blue wool knitted scarf and a letter.

Ms Oh stopped Cha-young from opening the letter. "Not now, please read it at home".

Cha-young thanked Ms Oh and placed the scarf and letter back in the paper bag. She set the bag down and looked at Vincenzo and Haru.

"Should we give our gift?".

Vincenzo handed Ms Oh a bag of bungeoppang. Haru smiled at how happy Ms Oh got to eat those. Vincenzo passed one to Cha-young and one to Haru before they ate them together.

"I'll tell you what. Do you know the difference between bungeoppang and ingeoppang?", Ms Oh pointed at the fish's mouth.

Haru had already figured it out, but indulged Ms Oh anyways. She turned to Vincenzo, wondering when he's gonna admit the truth.

Then, the door opened and Han-seo walked in, surprising everyone. He bowed to Ms Oh and introduced himself before passing her a fruit basket.

"Ah, you must be the boyfriend. Such a good looking one, Miss Lee", Ms Oh complimented.

Both and Haru were blushing like school kids, causing Cha-young to toss crumbs at them. Ms Oh and Vincenzo simply laughed at their antics.

"I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced. I hope I'm not interrupting", Han-seo smiled.

"Gosh, it's ok. I should be apologizing for taking up your time", said Ms Oh.

They stayed for a while, chatting with Ms Oh. She even wished Haru and Han-seo the best.

"You two make a great couple. I can tell your children will be very beautiful", said Ms Oh.

"Ok, I'm done", Cha-young rolled her eyes, causing Ms Oh to chuckle.

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