Spider-Man and The Mary Janes

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"I told you JJ was going to be pissed." Brant said as we got out of his office and got into the elevator. We just sat through a long ass rant about how I had no pictures of Spider-Man since The Hydroman Fight. A few days had passed since the GCW show. Surprisingly enough things with Laura were completely normal. It didn't feel too weird talking to her after the kiss and all. She had been hanging out with me more at school though.

"Look, this whole robbing joints shit is getting a little old for me and I had a busy week."

"Doing what? Playing PlayStation all day?"

"...Kinda. And it was an Xbox." I said thinking back to the whole Jubilee thing.

"Ugh, well on weeks you feel like slacking off maybe you can find out what Gwen is doing and take pictures of that instead. Like the Mysterio fight or whatever."

"Yeah no thanks I'm not trying to get mind fucked."

"Alright then maybe watch her fight Rhino or something." Brant leaned against the elevator wall casually.

"I actively avoid her at school why would I go out of my way to watch her fight?"


"Have enough of that."


"Revenge for what? What happened happened. Ain't nothing I can do about it. I'm not gonna break her leg and say some lame shit like 'this is how it felt when you broke my heart'." I said and Brant held in a laugh. But while I was talking she seemed to be surprised that I had such a rational reaction to Gwen and I's falling out.

"Are those the one liners you usually give the people you fight?" She asked me with a snarky smile. I leaned up on the wall next to her.

"Usually my one liners are more along the lines of 'Eat My Shorts' or 'Blah blah blah blah blah shut up I don't care'."

"Ah I see. I thought you were as smart as a third grader but I was giving you too much credit. Remind me to never ask for a quote from Spider-Man, I'll make up something cooler."

"A girl named Betty being cool. That's an oxymoron even before anyone gets to know you."

"What comic book did you steal that from? Oxymoron is too big of a word for you." She put an arm on my shoulder and looked up at me still with a smirk. I hadn't realized it up to this point but I was also smirking at her.

"The one I'm gonna shove up your ass if you don't stop calling me stupid." I said. She pushed me away and the smirk was gone as the elevator doors open.

"Ugh, of course you have to be disgusting." She said as we walked out.

"Hey, speaking of disgusting idiots, how are things going with you and Thompson?"

"Oh, nice try! You're just trying to get some dirt on me to get out of our little arrangement."

"I'm genuinely curious. Like how much have things really changed since you started dressing like the most in likable person in the world? I don't pay attention but I never see you two together at school. Is there any actual progress or is this just for aesthetic now?" She stopped

"... No. He hasn't noticed. He won't give me the time of day because of- Ugh, Liz Allen. I might as well be dead to him."

"Ouch. Bummer. What do you even see in the guy anyways besides, I don't know, he's good at football and is buff?"

"You wouldn't get it."

"Yeah I don't get why anyone would like Thompson but humor me."

"Look, he was my first real boyfriend, alright? And I'm still into him and he has to still be in to me! We had one thing we disagreed on and we shouldn't just end it like that! We can't. I don't... I don't really have anyone else." The fact Brant was complaining about something like this to me was disgusting after what she did to basically cause the same thing to me but I did ask her to tell me. It was also annoying that she said I wouldn't get it.

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