Here Comes a New Challenger

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We started skating around to varying degrees of success. I surprised myself with how much of a natural I was, assuredly because of the powers. Felicia was also a pro and was light on her feet. She was the only one good enough to do tricks almost like she was Tonya Harding or something. Pietro was fine and spent most of the time lapping us instead of hanging out with the group but wasn't over the top with it. MJ and Harry were both good enough to not constantly fall but would stumble every once in a while and weren't the best at turns.

And then there was Wanda.

Wanda sucked.

Wanda really sucked.

Wanda was advanced sucking.

She was obviously getting frustrated and at times I thought she would do some sort of crazy spell in anger but she restrained herself. At a certain point I started to hang back and talked her through it. On one occasion she slipped and was about to fall before I caught her. She fell right into my arms and I inadvertently dipped her like I was going for some sort of romantic kiss. Our faces were extremely close to each others.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"P-peachy." She said. She had a blush on her face before pulling herself up and pushing me away. I went back to teaching her the basics and at one point it seemed to magically click with her and she was skating around the rink no problem. She seemed really excited. It was honestly wholesome. Wanda suddenly had this childlike wonder in her eyes. I felt like watching someone learn how to ride a bike for the first time. She grabbed my arms and started circling around with me, laughing with a big smile on her face. I never really got to see this side of Wanda much. She was like a completely different person from the cold hearted smart-cute ass I knew. This was soon interrupted when Pietro tripped her, causing her to fall face first. Pietro thought it was hilarious until his skates her (literally) magically tied together and he went headfirst into the safety rail. We got him an ice pack and decided now would be a good time to order a pizza. As we ate Felicia asked me why I was so into comic books, and MJ wondered why I still read them after finding so many shitty ones. So I told them the story of my favorite comic.

"So then he tells him that he forgives him for not saving him but he doesn't forgive him for letting the killer live and killing and hurting more people, including paralyzing their friend."

"What happens next?" Harry asked me.

"So he gives him an ultimatum of either he lets him kill the killer or he kills his adoptive son to stop him."

"What does he pick?" MJ asked.

"Obviously he doesn't kill his own kid! He couldn't even kill the serial killer!" Felicia responded.

"I dunno I've read my own fair share of fucked up comics." Pietro said.

"He pretends to walk away knowing that his son has anger problems and he'd have a tantrum if things didn't go his way, so he tries to shoot his dad instead, but he dodges and stabs him in the neck with one of his ninja star things." I said making MJ gasp.

"No way!" Pietro said.

"Did he mean it?" Felicia asked.

"I don't think so, I think it just kinda happened like that." I said.

"God, I could never imagine my dad doing something like that to me even on accident." Harry said.

"M-me neither." Wanda said.

"The killer loves it because he found away for everyone to lose, but the son had a backup plan. He rigged the place to explode if things went awry, and this time around his dad is trying to stop history from repeating itself and save his son from his own explosion, but the killer stops him, causing it to blow up all three of them."

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