I Will Make You Hurt

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"Alright, I think that's our cue to go. Come on, (Y,N)." Rogue said pulling me to the door.

"Uh, it was nice meeting you, Dazzler! You, too, Jubilee! See you later, Laura!" I said as we got through the door.

"Actually you can just call me-" Dazzler began to say before the door closed.

"So, where did you wanna go?" Rogue asked with a smile.

"I don't know. Nowhere to be completely honest. I wish I could just curl up in a ball in my apartment and die, but I forced myself to try to do something." I said. Rogue's face looked at me shocked. "This was a stupid idea. Look, forget it I'll-"

"Oh no you don't!" She said putting a hand on my shoulder. "You're not just gonna say somethin' like that and walk away! Especially after makin' a date with someone whose been waitin' for you to call them for a week! Now which way to the closest mall?"

. . .

"I told you I didn't want anything." I said as Rogue walked back with a pretzel, a bag of mini pretzel dogs, and a soda. I was sitting on a fountain in the middle of downtown.

"Yeah and it's not unlike depressed people to eat less so here." She said handing me the pretzel. "Now what's going on? What was with the call?"

"...I'm horrible. That's the problem. After you guys showed up my friend Gwen was being really shitty because she found out who I am, but then I found out that she-"

"Was the Spidergirl?"

"How did you know?"

"She helped us track you down when the Cerebro picked up your mutant powers. Sorry, continue."

"Right, so I found out she was the Spidergirl and we got into a big fight and I ended up in a downward spiral. I got involved with some people I shouldn't have-" I said before realizing I probably shouldn't tell Rogue that I'm in the Brotherhood. "like this bank robber named Black Cat, anyway I felt like even though I was kind of an asshole to them at times, too, I could make friends with these criminals. And while I was doing that me and Gwen kept getting into bigger and bigger fights. It all kinda culminated last night when I was attacked by Captain Marvel after robbing a place. But to be fair I gave all the money to the teller. I just needed to let off some steam and then Marvel came after me. I was about to finish the fight when Gwen showed up and stopped me, but then both of us almost got squashed by Marvel. And then we actually started to work together and eventually we beat her and I went home and passed out after Gwen disappeared. I woke up today and she was tending my wounds and stuff and for the first time in a week I felt genuinely happy. Not 'I'm fine now but my life still sucks' but like really happy. And to top it all off she told me she loved me! And I was like in heaven because to be completely honest, I love her." Rogue looked taken by surprise when I said the last part. "I mean I think I do. Or did. I don't really know what love is. My parents died when I was too young to process it and the only other person who loved me..." I said before shivering at the memories. "the less said about them the better. But anyway after she told me that she told me she can't be my friend anymore because I'm such a colossal asshole. I'm a super criminal who specializes in robbery and destruction. And I just felt so utterly useless, so completely destroyed after that. But then my criminal buddies showed up and I thought maybe I could fit in with them, Y'know, go full asshole, and the fact that I'm telling you a superhero this proves just how fucking fucked I feel right now. Anyway, long story short, they hate me too. We're strictly partners in a business sense. So I have no one. I'm horrible. And I just really need someone to pretend to be my friend right now."

"...Well, I can't help you." Rogue said.


"I ain't never been good at pretendin' and not speakin' my mind." She pulled me into a hug. "But I can be your friend for real."

"No you can't."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because if you do I'm just going to make you regret it at some point down the road."

"Not likely." Rogue said pulling herself away to look me in the eyes.

"No, very likely. I'm telling you; if you put me up on this pedestal as a good person I will let you down and I will make you hurt."

"Did ya have the worst day of your life and immediately start listening to Nine Inch Nails, you drama queen?" Rogue asked chuckling. "Alright then, wanna bet on it?"I raised an eyebrow. "If you can't make me regret ever being nice to you until Prom, you have to take me and you have to become an X-Man."

"And what if you lose?" I ask.

"Then I'll quit the X-Men." She shrugged. My eyes widened.

"Rogue, what the fuck? I thought you guys were all like family!?"

"They are family. The only real family I've ever known."

"Then why would you-"

"Do you really believe that you're such a horrendous person that you can't have one real friend?" Rogue asked. "Now come on, I'm going to show you how much of a good person you really are." She said getting up from the fountain.

"How do you plan on doing that? Didn't you just hear the whole story where I'm horrible?"

"Well yeah, you didn't tell the whole story."

"What are you-?"

"You forgot the part where you realize that you aren't as bad as a person as you thought you were."

"Thats because that part hasn't happened-"

"Yet. Now come on. This is my favorite part of the story." I hesitated before getting up.

"And that part is?"

"When you take the attractive country gal to the mall and show her what world famous New York pizza tastes like." She said with a wink.

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