MG With MJ

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The next day I woke up I was surprised I had a couple of texts to wake up to.

MJ: Hey.

MJ: Mini Golf?

Me: like when?

MJ: Right now?

MJ: Not to pressure you or anything but I sent those texts three hours ago and I got tired of waiting and I'm already at the place.

Me: you are very much pressuring me with that statement

Me: give me a few minutes to get dressed

Me: is it that one with the volcano that looks like the Empire State Building is erupting from it?

MJ: Yeah. Thanks.

I don't really understand why she's thanking me but I shrugged it off. I quickly got dressed and in the ultimate test of do I wanna keep MJ waiting or do I wanna stink I decided to just thrown on some body spray and to throw on my mask before making my way down there. I swung up until I was about a block away and took off the mask in an alley way and walking the rest of the way. MJ was waiting, licking at an ice cream cone. She had on a black beanie, a green hoodie with a gray hood and strings over a white t shirt with a heart spray painted on it, and ripped jeans. I walked up behind her.

"So where is everyone I hate that I've been emotionally preparing to see here?" I asked causing her to jump up scared and drop her ice cream.

"How'd you get here so fast!?" She asked freaked out.

"I get around." I shrugged. "But where is everyone? I mean like, I assumed Harry at least would be here."

"Harry's working today."

"What about all your other friends?"

"I... look, can I be honest with you, Tiger?" She asked. I could tell something was up. She wasn't her usual cheery self. She seemed kinda run down.

"What's up?"

"I'm kinda having a tough time with my parents and I needed to escape for a bit. I know we haven't really hung out a lot and I don't even know if you really consider me a friend but after Harry you're the only person I really trust opening up to. And I wanna get this all out of my system before band practice tonight."

"Really? You trust me? What about Gwen?"

"I don't know, I guess I've kinda felt a little different about her ever since you and her got into the fight. She said something once and I don't know if I can really be open about my problems with her now."

"What about Felicia Hardy?"

"She's always been distant outside of school."

"And Brant?"

"I think Betty is... fine. I mean she's my friend but... she's more of an acquaintance than a friend, I guess? Like I wouldn't really wanna hang out with her too much. There's something kinda sad about her I've noticed an-... never mind. I don't wanna gossip about her when she's not here to defend herself."

"You're too nice for your own good, Watson." She cringed a little when I said Watson.

"Maybe. I dunno."

"So what's up with your parents?"

"Can we get started with the game first? Something to kinda cool me off a little?"

"Yeah, whatever you wanna do." I said. We went and got our golf balls and clubs, she got a red ball and pink club, I got a purple ball with a black club, kinda like my spidersuit being black with purple designs and we started playing. I did some joke cracking until MJ eventually started laughing (well she was laughing at the jokes combined with the fact I'm absolutely dogshit at golf). About halfway through the course we were at the hole that was under a waterfall next to a shallow lake.

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