The Same Conversation But With Girls

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"You're telling me (Y,N) locked you in the janitor's closet for an hour? How would he even do that?" MJ asked Betty as the four girls watched the guys skate away from the conversation.

"Did he tie you up or something?" Felicia asked.

"I-In a way. Kinda." Betty said.

"Wow, so (L,N) is good with rope. Something to keep note of." Felicia joked. Wanda had a mental image appear out of nowhere to her that made her embarrassed to know she even thought about it. While the conversation continued she mentally yelled at herself for thinking about it, asking herself why she thought about it, and why she thought said mental image was hot.

"Hold on, how did he even lock the door?" MJ asked.

"He didn't lock the door really but he broke the handle so I couldn't get out!"

"(Y,N) (L,N) broke a handle off of a door?" Felicia asked skeptically.

"Betty, I know he's been working out lately but I doubt he's strong enough to break off a door handle." MJ said. Felicia let out a faint laugh.

"(Y,N) going to a gym? C'mon. I feel like he wouldn't get caught dead in one of those."

"Alright you explain him picking up the bass amp over his head with one hand like it was nothing? Or that time he... uh... he lifted me up with one hand?"

"I'm sorry what? Are you making shit up?" Felicia asked.

"Guys? Are we ignoring (L,N) locking me in the closet?"

"No I'm being serious." MJ ignored Betty. "Long story short, I went mini golfing with him and we pushed each other into the little lake by one of the holes and we had security called on us. (Y,N) practically jumped out the water and pulled me up single handedly like it was nothing."

"You're making this up." Felicia said.

"What do I have to gain from making this up?"

"Maybe you're justifying liking him in your mind." Felicia said. Wanda snapped back into the conversation as she almost thought Felicia heard her inner monologue.

"Well if I did have a thing for him I wouldn't need to justify it. He's a really good guy when you get to know him."

"(L,N)? A good guy?" Betty asked.

"Betty I know you two can't stand each other but when I was at a low point (Y,N) was really there and understanding for me. He's rough around the edges but those edges are what make him cool. He's far from perfect and I think that's what would make him perfect. He doesn't care he's not perfect and he's fine with being him." MJ explained. "Scarlett, you know (Y,N), right? What do you think of him?"

"W-well, uh... I would say he's a bit of an acquired taste. He can be insufferable when you first meet him, cocky, overconfident, always looking for a fight, but I agree with Mary Jane, they're also what drive you closer to him. And the fact that he can be fine with being him, not worrying about other people's expectations of him, it's admirable. Plus he can be really sharp witted at times to the point where you can't help but laugh despite not wanting to give him the satisfaction. And you're right that he can be... sentimental if the time calls for it. Not to mention for the most part he tends to put his friends first." Wanda explained. By the end of it she seemed to be almost swooning over him.

Betty listened to all these kind words about her mortal enemy with disinterest but as the two girls talked about him she started to take in some of things being said and realize that they weren't wrong or jumping through hoops to justify his shitty behavior. There were jokes of his that she actually held in a laugh for or laughed about hours later when no one was around, repeating the joke to herself. Hell, she even laughed at his Mole Man joke and his egotistical power scaling an hour ago. She found herself growing increasingly jealous of how people accepted him for himself while she tried hard to be everyone's friend but in the end felt like no one's except for Gwen and MJ's. And even as someone who he absolutely hated, she had even gotten genuine advice from (Y,N) on how to deal with problems in her own life. The only reason she really had any blackmail on (Y,N) was because despite their differences, he still refused to let Gwen go down for his problems. Maybe they were actually right about him. But they couldn't be. If he was a good guy then that would make her a really bad person.

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