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"Okay, that's it! I was nice to you guys for saving my ass last night but I'm getting sick of you! Why the fuck are you guys at my school and why the fuck is that fucking brunette chick here too since I assume you all fucking know each other!? And why does she have a crush on me now and why the fuck is the sky blue!?" I shouted.

"...Are ya done?" Wanda and Pietro asked at the same time.

"...I think so I can't think of anything else to complain about."

"Well, to answer your first two questions it has to do with your powers." Wanda said.

"My powers?"

"Yeah your webby shooty things that go 'pew pew'." Pietro said making this stupid sign out of his hands.

"I don't do that when I shoot my webs." I said folding me arms.

"You, shut up." Wanda told Pietro. "And you, listen. Me and Pietro are also like you, mutants, and so is Kitty Pryde, obviously. However there's a bit of a... civil war going on in the mutant community, I guess is the best way to put it. We're on two opposite sides. Me and Pietro are on the logical side, Kitty and her dumb friends in the X-Men are on the fucking stupid side. And usually whenever a new mutant discovers their powers, it's a bit of a race to get to them first. We thankfully were able to get to you before they could manipulate you with their leader Charles Xavier. And one of our leaders, Mystique, got us to come talk to you about joining The Brotherhood."

"...I don't do cults."

"Wha- it's not a cult you retard!" Wanda shouted.

"Relax, sis! I've got it from here." Pietro said. "Look, (Y,N), my man, is mutants gotta stick together. You see the normal people at this school? They'd fuckin' freak if they found out you had powers. Despite what the X-Men would lead you to believe they'd all hate your guts because you're better than them. They'd want to kill you because you're different! But if you join the Brotherhood, all of us mutants born with powers live in peace, without fear that one day all these chumps are gonna Bam together and kill-"

"Wait, did you say born with powers?"

"Well, Yeah, all mutants are born with them."

"But... I wasn't born with powers."

"What?" Wanda asked before Pietro chuckled.

"Buddy, you're confused. You were born with powers, but they've been dormant in you until recently when you used them for the first time."

"No they weren't. I can literally pin point the exact moment I got my powers...

. . .

🎵 "Went too Fast, I'm out of luck, and I don't even give a fuck!" 🎵

I was at a gig supporting my friend Gwen. Well, a little more than supporting. I was the one who got her the gig. It was some kid's basement party and their drummer bailed on them. Gwen offered to play but this wasn't exactly her crowd and they thought she couldn't keep up with them. However I was able to convince them Gwen was their best bet, and let's just say it's the only time I've ever seen the drummer be the absolute star of the show. No one thought the teacher's pet would be the best punk rocker in high school. After the show I met Gwen outside and congratulated her. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Ohmygod thank you thank you thank you!" She said.

"Don't thank me. I'm not the one who taught you how to kick ass at drums." I said.

"Yeah but if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten the gig or gotten over my stage fright or-"

"Hey, Stacy!" We looked over and saw we were being approached by the three other dudes from the band.

"Oh, hey guys! Great show! If you guys ever need a-"

"Cut the crap, Stacy! We know you were trying to make us look bad!" The singer said.

"I... what?"

"Don't play dumb!"

"Maybe she is dumb, and we just need to teach this dumb bitch to learn her place."

"HEY!" I shouted getting in front of Gwen. "Don't you even fucking dare think about talking about her like that! Let alone think about laying a finger on her!"

"Get lost, (L,N)!"

"(Y,N) what are you doing? You don't have to-"

"Get out of here Gwen, I'll deal with these fuckers."

"Oh, I'm so scared of little orphan (L,N)!" I slowly reached into my pocket and grabbed my pocket knife.

"(Y,N), please let's just-"

"I said take a hike, Gwen!" I said.

"I..." Gwen muttered before running off.

"Well, (L,N), the chick is gone! What are you gonna do?" The bassist asked.

"THIS!" I said before stabbing one of them in the arm. I quickly punched another one to the ground as the third one grabbed me from behind. I elbowed him in the chest repeatedly to try to break free but got punched in the gut repeatedly by the first guy. He pulled out the knife and grabbed his arm in pain before he stabbed me in my side and all three of them kicked the shit out of me. They threw me in the back of their van and began to drive off. Two of them in the front while one sat in the back with me. About five minutes in I was able to pull myself up and stabbed the one watching me in the collarbone before we started scuffling again. Apparently we had driven up to some hill. I ended up being thrown out of the van. One of them ran out the van and kicked me in the stomach, and the force caused me to roll down the hill and next to a river. I had no strength to move anymore and the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was a spider crawl onto my hand and bite me.

. . .

...When I eventually woke up I saw I was near an old nuclear waste dump. I passed out again, woke up in a hospital, and then bam, I had powers. My powers had to do something with the spider being radioactive or some shit like that." I said. Wanda and Pietro looked at me with disbelief before Wanda slowly face palmed and Pietro groaned. "What?"

"You're a mutate!"

"A what?"

"A mutate! It's when stupid normal people get powers through some sort of stupid accident instead of being born with them!" Pietro explained.

"You're telling me I'm going to this stupid school in this stupid city for no fucking reason!?" Wanda shouted.

"Well I didn't tell you guys to come looking for me!" I said. "So does this mean you psychopaths will leave me alone!? And those dumb X Creeps you keep talking about!?"

"Gladly!" Wanda said. "I can't believe you wasted our time like that!"

"Well, sucks to suck, doesn't it!?" I said. "Maybe if you guys did some fucking research then we wouldn't be in this situation!" I said before making my way back into the school and stopping.

"...fuck it, I'm going home."

Sucks to Suck (Spider-Man/X-Men Females X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now