Like a Dream

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It was another day in New York City. The sun was setting and surprisingly no crimes were being committed. In a neighborhood with a special view of the horizon, a certain arachnid themed superhero watched the sunset from her hammock. She laid in silence out of her usual costume watching the sunset peacefully. But she wasn't alone. She was currently in the arms of someone else. They hadn't said anything for the last 20 minutes or so with the only thing resembling a sound coming from their mouths being when she sighed blissfully when he played with her hair.

"...Hey, can I say something?" Gwen asked (Y,N).

"If it's gonna ruin the moment,  no." He responded back as she looked up at him.

"No, seriously, I have to get this off my chest." She looked up at me. "I'm really sorry about everything. Like really sorry. I don't know what I've been thinking lately but I was crazy to betray you like that."

"Betray me? Isn't that a little overkill? You're here now, aren't you? So it's not that much of a problem."

"I shouldn't have ever abandoned you in the first place. I was a total doofus." She said. (Y,N) laughed at her word choice. She cracked a smile too even though she tried to stay serious. "Don't laugh at my apology, doofus."

"Ahahahaha I'm sorry, it's just- ahahahahaha doofus!?" He kept laughing as Gwen joined in on his infections laughter.  "Gwen, I forgive you, alright? Let's just enjoy the view." (Y,N) said. Gwen stared at him with a smile on her face. (Y,N) soon noticed this. "What are you staring at?"

"I'm enjoying the view." She said before turning around and meeting him face to face. The electricity in the air was visible but thankfully there was no Electro around. Gwen then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips.

And then she woke up.

She quickly sat up in bed. She felt her chest to feel how fast her heart was beating as she tried to process what just happened. The butterflies were still in her stomach from when she kissed (Y,N)... or didn't kiss him because that was a dream. She webbed a stuffed animal close to her as she dealt with the emptiness she was feeling. And with that something rattled in her head again that she had been trying to ignore since she heard it. Rogue's words about how (Y,N) was doing better without her and meanwhile she'd been nothing but guilty since the split. Maybe she really was holding (Y,N) back and maybe he was the one keeping her together. But all she knew now was that she felt like garbage. She laid back down and looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"Maybe I am the problem."

. . .

-Sucks to Suck Filmed In Front of a Live Studio Audience-

Setting: The Maximoff Residence, Wanda's Room

Wanda is pacing back and forth with her sister Lorna doing her own makeup with Wanda's supplies and makeup table.

Wanda: Jimmeny Christmas, Lorna, I don't know what to do! The school dance is coming up this weekend and (Y,N) still hasn't asked me  to go yet!

Lorna: Oh relax, Wand, maybe he's workin' up the nerve to ask ya still.

Wanda: He can lift an automobile over his head and he's gotta work up the nerve to ask me to dance?

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: Well you can be a little intimidating...

Wanda: I beg your pardon, I most certainly am not!

Lorna: Remember when turned that kid's mom into a vegetable because he made fun of how daddy didn't go to your dance recital? We couldn't tell if he was crying because of that or because she was the smelliest onion in Sokovia.

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