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"They're really naming these two 'Snowflake' and 'Safespace'? No wonder the comic industry is dying with bullshit like this." (Y,N) said before the bell rang and I closed my book in frustration. I really had no idea what to do with this considering I really didn't even wanna be in New York and I'm just here for Rogue. I was hoping to like get (Y,N) to help me and see this like supposed secret good guy Rogue and Laura are convinced (Y,N) is but I just don't see it.

"You're unbelievable, you know that?" I asked him. He shrugged, causing me to scoff and get up to leave the classroom when I remembered he and Emma were supposed to have their talk. Like she read my mind, Emma said something to me... oh shit, she probably did read my mind.

"Something the matter, Ms. Pryde?" She asked.

"Alright, don't play dumb. I know, like, you know about (Y,N)'s powers. What's your game? Are you, like, trying to recruit him for your crummy school in Massachusetts or the Hellions or whatever?" I asked looking back over at him in the back of the class watching us. Emma let out a chuckle.

"What does it matter to you? You don't think he'd even fit in with you and the rest of Xavier's outcasts." Emma said. I looked back at (Y,N) again. I can't explain it but like, I'm just not comfortable with leaving him to get manipulated by Emma. Maybe it's because I'm more afraid of him using his powers against me in a fight. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have something to discuss and its for private ears only. I believe it would be wise for you to not use your abilities to, I don't know, phase into a locker and listen in through the wall?"

"STOP READING MY MIND!" I whisper shouted before finally walking out of the class. I was thinking about telling Rogue before going back but I knew she'd like have a fit and do something rash. I don't even know if Emma is like really up to something... okay, who am I kidding? She's definitely up to something. But I can't really act until I... "Oh, screw it." I said turning around and walking towards the class again before I heard a voice.

"Hey, Kat." I looked over and-

"You two!"

"Going somewhere, dudette?" Quicksilver asked with Scarlet Witch standing next to him with her arms folded.

"You two are working with Emma Frost!?"

"What are you talking about? Can't we just get a drink of water in this hall?" Scarlet Witch said feigning surprise. "We didn't even know Emma Frost was here!"

"That being said, the lunch room is the other way." Quicksilver said.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this." I said beginning to walk passed them.

"I said lunch room is-" Quicksilver then zoomed by me, grabbing me by my shirt collar and dragged me down a hallway and a half before throwing me to the ground next to a staircase. "this way!" He finished his sentence. I picked myself up from the ground and gave him a glare. "By the way, if I have to redirect you again, I'm throwing you down the stairs." He added before speeding off.

"Okay... so like, definitely gotta tell Rogue now."

. . .

"Wait, Emma Frost, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch are here!? And they're targeting (Y,N)!?" Rogue asked.

"I tried to listen in but, like, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch threatened hurt me if I tried to get near them."

"Did it occur to you that you're a mutant and to just phase through them?" Laura asked.

"Gee, Laura, I didn't think of that! I was probably to busy wondering how I went from one side of the school all the way to the other  and almost down a flight of stairs before I finished my sentence!" I said sarcastically.

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