"Like" Heaven

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"Hey are you even paying attention?" Brant asked snapping her fingers in my face.

"No. You can take the comic book out of my hands but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give a shit about what you have to say anymore." I said. It was Thursday now. Two days after the incident with Rogue and the incident with Gwen. The good news was that Rogue doesn't seem to hate me yet. Bad news is I'm definitely going to have to betray her at some point. And also for now I have to listen to Brant, which I don't know how long I can. I'm not an actor and I'm a bank robber and not a heist guy, so playing a long con isn't exactly in my best interest.

"Wait, what? Dr. Doom forced the Fantastic Four to go back in time and steal a treasure chest from Blackbeard?" Kitty asked as she flipped through a book about Dr. Doom.

"And that's the type of bullshit I'm talking about where it's stupid to find something to defend this asshole. How do we even defend something this fucking retarded? Let alone when we actually get to the evil shit he's done?"

"Listen, you had a week to actually contribute something to this team and you lost your shot at that, so just shut up and help us figure out how we do defend something like that. Okay?" Brant asked. I didn't respond I just rolled my eyes. "I'm going to use the bathroom. You better not slack off while I'm gone." She said before getting up. I just gave her a death stare as she walked away.

"...What's up with you?" Kitty asked. I looked over at her and saw her staring at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why aren't you fighting back? You haven't, like, insulted her or anything and she's walking all over you."

"Which is it? Do you want me to be an asshole or do you want me to roll with the punches?"

"Not being an asshole doesn't mean you can't defend yourself. And since when did you care if I thought you were a bad guy or not?"

"Why don't you just butt out? The last thing I need is a third chick ruining my life."

"...Alright, seriously what is going on with you?" Kitty asked. This time with genuine concern.

"Why do you care? Aren't I 'like, a raging psychopath' whose only two character defining traits are asshole and criminal?"

"I... look, I know we've had problems in the past and I get it why you don't trust me but, like, I actually ca-... don't wanna hate you or have you hate me. I couldn't see it for a while but you're a lot like two other friends I have/had. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if you can."

"Okay, even if I believed you, what makes you think I'd just tell you all of my multiple personal problems right now?"

"Because maybe I could help? Because you'll feel better just getting the secrets off your chest than bottling them up?"

"It's worked so far, why stop now?"

"It has something to do with Betty, doesn't it? Is she, like, doing something to you?"

"Look, Pryde, I've humored you for this long because you're cute and all but now you're getting on my nerves!"

"God, why do you have to be such a jerk!? I'm trying to see if I can help you out! What's the difference between Jubilee, Allison, Laura and Rogue, and then Me? Why can you be nice to them and not to me!?"

"You mean besides the fact that a few days ago the love of my life said she could never date me and that my confused and fucked up heart thinks that I-" I began to say before shut myself up.

"Wait, step back, do you have a thing for all of them? But not me?"


"Like, it's cool if you don't like me or whatever but like, why them and not me? Am I like, not attractive to you or something?" Kitty went into "like" overload and turned her head from me so I couldn't see her expression.

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