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Mary Jane

"So are you going to order or not?" The waitress asked (Y,N) as he looked around. He hadn't said a word since we got off the roof. I had to talk him into even walking into the Friendly's even though it was like talking to a brick wall.

"He'll have what I'm having." I said for him.

"You could've said that two minutes ago." The waitress scoffed. I handed her my menu and she grabbed (Y,N) but it was like he had some sort of death grip on it or it was stuck on him. She tugged on it a couple times before he let go and the waitress almost went flying and fell on her butt. She got up with a grunt and walked away.

"Seems like the two of you would get along." I said trying to make a joke to break the ice. It was weird seeing (Y,N) not saying anything snarky or trying to get me to leave him alone, even if I've only really seen him from afar at most times. We've been in high school together forever but I still know barely anything about the guy. He only seems to be friendly with people when he's out at parties and half the time by the end of the night he's fighting someone. Even when he was reading a comic in class and only looking up to tell someone to go away he was so animated with how he moved and pointed his finger at people or with his expressions. But now he just looked down at the table. "Alright, seriously spill. What exactly happened between you and Gwen?"



"I don't get it. Why are you nice to me? What's your angle?"

"Why does there have to be an angle? Why can't someone just be a good person?"

"Because no one is a good person."

"Who told you that?"

"My dead father." He said looking away.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear about your dad..."

"My mom too. About both the people thing and the being dead thing. Watched them both die. Killed by a person. Shot because the arcade closed at 9 and we ended up coming home just as the robbers were on their way out." He added. There was an awkward silence after that. "...I thought someone was a good person, once. Fell in love with her. Now she hates me."

"Are you talking about Gwen?"

"I mean, I'm pretty sure she always hated me or something. The details are really confusing right now because I haven't had a lot of time to proce-..." (Y,N) said before stopping suddenly. I raised an eyebrow. "No. I'm not doing this. You almost got me to spill completely but not today, Freud." I let out a sigh.

"I don't know what happened between you and Gwen, and I don't want you to tell me your life story if you don't want to tell me, but from what I've heard, I kinda get why you have a tough time talking to people and trusting them. But you can't just shut out the rest of the world because of a few instances, (Y,N). Good people exist. I won't say I'm one necessarily but I'd like to at least think I am one, and that Gwen is one too. I don't think Gwen can truly hate you just because of one fight. I'm sure you two can patch this up in no time."

"...You call me (Y,N). Why?"

"Because that's your name?"

"Yeah but like, everyone else calls me (L,N) except for you, the lady who let me live rent free in an apartment by myself for a few years, and Gwen. Why?"

"Because maybe we see through the whole iceman thing you've got on where you're too cool to care and you only speak in sarcastic remarks and we see normal high school student (Y,N) (L,N)." I said. I could see in (Y,N)'s eyes he was still fighting the idea anyone could ever be nice to him. But before he could say something punk or try to push me away again I tried to change the topic. "So have you been to Friendly's before?"

"I haven't been to a restaurant. Ever."


"Well, I mean, I did, but that was before the dead parents thing and everything from when my parents were alive is kinda a blur." He said.


"...I'm not good at conversing so you should probably give up on that whole becoming friends thing." Here we go again.

"Okay... then how about we play a game?"


"Kiss Marry Kill. Liz Allan, my friend Betty and... Felicia Hardy?" I said. I felt if I was going to break through to (Y,N) I'd have to try to adapt to his personality. He looked at me dumbfounded.

"Why are you-?"

"Come on (Y,N), just answer the question. Or are you scared I'll tell on you or something? Do you really think I'm that lame?" I asked teasingly.

"... Alright, fine. I'd... kiss Felicia Hardy, Marry Betty, I guess, and kill Liz whatshername because I don't even know who the fuck that is."

"Really? Wow! Wait until Betty hears about this!" I said pulling out my phone.

"HEY YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL!" He said reaching across the booth.

"Relax, I'm just kidding!" I said giggling and putting my phone away. "So why Betty over Felicia?"

"Really because I don't see me marrying Hardy. On and off college girlfriend that flirts with other guys to give me a reason to beat them up? Maybe. But our personalities would clash. And sometimes it'd be hot but I couldn't go my entire life loving my wife for half of it, hating her a quarter of it, and then hate-fucking her the other quarter. I think Brant would get on my nerves less and her getting mad at me would at least be kinda cute, like an angry tsundere and not a psycho smashing my shit and then making me buy new stuff after. I mean she is kinda cute." He explained. "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Kiss marry kill. Osbourne... Flash... anddddd that kid in our history class that answers all of the questions and picks his nose."

"Oh come on, be fair! Everyone I gave you had at least one redeeming quality!"

"What's wrong with Osbourne? I thought you two were buddies?"

"He's fine but Flash and Billy Knobbs!? I'd rather be killed than kiss either of them let alone marry them!" I said before laughing and (Y,N) lightly chuckled. We kept talking and soon our food came. It was weird seeing the actual (Y,N) and not the usual angry boy from school. We ordered our ice cream and the bill came. (Y,N) started pulling out crackled dollars from his pocket. "Upbupbup! I'm paying." I told him.

"Come on, it's the least I could do for being a dick all night."

"Well you were going through something and I accept your apology. You can pick up the bill the next time we hang out." I said.

"...I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to say thanks?" (Y,N) asked. I nodded. "...Well, thanks, Wat-... Mary Jane. I really needed this."

"Don't mention it, Tiger."

"Tiger?" He asked with a half laugh. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Because you're both a ferocious animal when you want to be but you're also like a cute, friendly cat once you let your guard down." I said before I realized what I said in my head. Did I just call him cute? "I-I gotta use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said before getting up and walking away. Before I did I turned around. "And by the way, I told you my friends call me MJ." before walking into the bathroom.

. . .

"...I'm not cute." I muttered before a white and blue blue came into the restaurant and I was pulled out of my seat.

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