The Cat, The Witch, and The Pietro

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"Come on, Cat, just do it."

"No way!"

"Yeah I agree with Big Tits McGee-"

"Fuck off with that!"

"I call it like a sees it, sis! Now as I was saying we don't need to do this."

"Look, she didn't run away after I webbed up half the workers and you brought all the customers to the red light district of New Jersey, so I want to give her the tip she deserves! Cat, give her a necklace!" I said while taking the pizza out of the hands of the shaking cashier.

"Ugh! Fine!" Cat said ripping off a necklace she was wearing and shoving it into the cashier's hands.

"You broke it!"

"She can sell it back to the jewelry store as a reward!"

"That wasn't the point of- ugh!"

"Whatever! Can we just eat some damn food!?" Wanda shouted. "And you! Take a hike, already!" She told the cashier.

"No, wait, what if I want something else later?" Pietro asked.

"Just get it yourself!" Wanda said.

"Myself!? What am I!? Poor!?"

"How much money do you guys even have?" I asked. How much money does The Brotherhood make? How'd they buy the castle? Why is there a gothic castle that close to New York? I think I heard Avalanche and Toad talking about a castle in another country too called Genosha. How many castle do they have? Do they own Geno- my thoughts were derailed by Cat grabbing the pizza out of my hands.

"Did you just have a stroke or something?" Wanda asked.

"Come on, let's grab a seat, already." Pietro said. We walked over and sat down at a table with four chairs next to it. "Yo, Eva! Hurry up with the drinks!" Pietro called out to the cashier.

"How do you end up working at a pizza place with the name Eva?" Wanda asked.

"The fuck does that even mean?" Pietro said.

"That name is way too eloquent to work at a place like this."

"Eloquent?" Cat repeated.

"Nono, she has a point. She's also too cute to be working at a pizza place. Not a single zit on her whole pretty face." Pietro said while giving her a look that he was checking her out.

"Where did you even meet these guys?" Cat asked me.

"They 'saved me' from a Kingpin attack one night."

"Why'd you say 'saved' like that!?" Wanda asked in an irritated tone.

"Because I had it under control!" I said.

"You were tied up by like ten guys." Pietro said.

"And I still had a 51% chance of winning!"

"Whatever." Wanda said rolling her eyes.

"And why save some random criminal like webhead? No offense."


"I said no offense!" Cat said to me.

"Classified information, honey." Quicksilver said taking a bite out of a slice.

"Well, I do have to thank you. I couldn't have gotten my handsome partner in crime if he was swimming at the bottom of Bowery Bay right now." Cat said scratching my chin with one of her fingers like I was a pet or something.

"You think we're partners?"
"You think he's your partner?"
"You think he's handsome?"

Me, Pietro, and Wanda all said at the same exact time. Wait a second-

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