Dammit (Rogue Alternate Ending to Road Trip)

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"Hiya, Sugar." I looked over to see Rogue standing there with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face. "Why'd you run off like that? I've been looking all over for you."

"I just needed space for a second. I have a lot on my mind."

"Oh. Do ya want me to leave then? I don't wanna-"

"No, R- I mean Anna. I want you to stay, actually. I'd really appreciate it if you could." I said. Anna Marie looked away with a giant smile on her face like she was honored that I wanted her around even when I wanted to be alone. She walked over and sat down next to me.

"Oh my gosh is this Dammit? I love this song! Don't laugh but it's actually my favorite song."

"Why would I laugh? I'm actively listening to it." I said letting out a chuckle.

"Frankly sugar, you give off punk rock elitist vibes like Allie."

"No, I just listen to a song called 'It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite' is all." I said and Rogue laughed. "Even then that song is extremely new to my rotation, I got it from an... acquaintance I'll say. Actually wait, I thought Allie listened to all genres?"

"All of 'em except pop-punk unless it's a song on that one Green Day album, but not one that 'doesn't further the plot of the concept album' whatever that means." She said before muttering "That was the last time I tried to be nice and get her a shirt I thought she'd like in Hot Topic."

"How'd I guess you'd shop at Hot Topic?"

"Is that some sorta goth stereotype?"


"Great. Just what I wanted to hear."

"If it makes you feel any better at least you surprised me with your favorite song."

"What did you think it was?"

"Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy."

"I haven't heard it."

"It's terrible don't listen to it."

"So you thought my favorite song would be total crap?"

"I was making a joke, 'sugah'." I responded making her laugh.

"Anyways what're you so worried about, sugar? I-is it about w-what happened earlier?" She asked seemingly genuinely worried that might be the reason.

"No! Not that! That was great!" I said.

"Oh, awesome." She said nervously laughing at looking away with a slight blush.

"Well I mean, it kinda has something to do with that. Not with what actually happened but... I don't know how to put this." I said. Rogue then grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"You can tell me, sugar. I'm here for you no matter what."

"You don't know what I'm going to say."

"I don't need to. No matter what it is I'll be here for ya. I may not know what you're goin' through but I'll try my best to understand. I really like you, (Y,N). I really really do." She said. I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

"... Anna, I'm sorry. I haven't been completely honest with you.

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