Mall Brawl

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"Alright so, what's the plan?" Brant asked me.

"Plan? I don't do plans. I see something I want and I take it. The only time there's a plan is when revenge is involved, and if there's anyone I'd be here to get revenge on it's you." I said. "But I'm thinking you climb down there, then I break through this glass ceiling. You snap some pictures, I steal the camera, and then I go home and forget this is my life for approximately 5 hours as I dream about hookers and cocaine."

"One, gross. Two, How do you expect me to get down there?"

"That's not my problem."

"Yes it is! What part of that don't you get!? This is all your problem!"

"Fine." I said before webbing around her waist. "Climb down."

"How do I know you're not just going to drop me and make me fall to death!?"

"Because I didn't drop you when we were swinging through New York. Now, hurry up."
I said. Brant growled before she started shimmying down the side of the mall. It's at moments like these I'm glad nobody goes to malls anymore. Brant took awhile but she eventually made her way down.

"How do I get this off of me!?" She shouted up at me.

"That's not my problem!" I responded before walking back to the glass part of the ceiling. I think Brant yelled at me some more. "Alright, now I gotta figure out where those damn cameras are. Who even buys cameras anymore? Why can't she just use her phone like a normal teenager? Besides the fact she's less of a normal teenager and a troglodyte with blonde hair... and an annoying loud voice! What the hell is she yelling about down there!? She seriously can't find /////// really sharp scissors or-" I said before I leaned back and watched five... bird quills? pierce the glass I was standing on? Then they started glowing green and beeping. "Oh god dam-" I said before they blew up, causing me to fall through the glass. Once I was in the mall I shot webs up at the ceiling to stop me from crashing into the ground. I looked up and saw The Vulture staring down at me with a stupid smirk, standing over the hole in the roof. He looked a lot different then I expected. For all intents and purposes, every time I saw him walking by a newsstand or from the tv, he looked like some old man in a bird suit, like made out of feathers. But he was in like a fully green robotic suit except for the head. He had a separate helmet with a huge beak that was attached to his yellow visor. The thing that was really intimidating were the huge as robotic talons on his feet. They looked like they could go straight through my chest and impale me.

"So this is the pesky spider? Pity, I was hoping to use this new suit on the girl." He said. He jumped down and proceeded to glide at high speeds into my webs, cutting them. I quickly shot another web, slingshotting me into the wall and watching as he quickly turned up and started flapping his wings as he stared me down. He shot multiple more quills at me before I jumped off the wall and began running for my life.

"Alright, I'll bite! What's your beef with me!? I've never fucked with you!" I said before I jumped over him as he tried to gore me with his beak. He turned around and landed to stand face to face with me and JESUS CHRIST WAS HE TALL! He was a solid foot and a half taller than me. Again, probably the suit but holy shit!

"I'm a vulture, my boy, not a canary. It'll take more than a few dodges to get me to sing." He said.

"Alright, fine, be a dick." I said before slingshotting myself towards him only for him to dig his wings into the ground and use his foot to grab me in the air and slam me into the ground, almost on my neck. He grabbed me by the head with his hand and threw me off the balcony we were on and into one of the little stands on the first floor. He looked like he was going to stomp on my chest but I rolled out of the way and webbed him to the stand so I could catch my breath. I still wasn't at 100% after my fight with Captain Marvel.

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