You're the Worst

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"Hey are you- UGH, GROSS!" Wanda said shielding her eyes.

"Maybe it's because of the skin tight suit but I always took you for more of a briefs kinda guy." Pietro said.

"What the fuck do you two want, why are you at my apartment, and how did you find out where I live?" I asked half asleep.

"Why aren't you dressed!?" Wanda asked.

"I was planning on skipping school today. Not really feeling it, Y'know?"

"In case you've forgotten asshole you're apart of The Brotherhood now and you have a job to do! Unless you're dying of level 16 dick cancer get dressed and get to school! Frost is already there and waiting and if you don't show up she's going to kick your ass before Mystique gets a chance to!" Wanda shouted. "Now hurry up!" She said closing the door.

. . .

"So how much longer are you gonna be mad at me?" I asked Wanda as we walked to school.

"Until you're in a hole in the ground."

"Mean." Pietro said.

"Why are you on his side!? He almost killed you too!"

"Because he's on our side now. Aren't you always telling me to make compromises for the greater good?" Pietro asked.

"Now is when you remember that?"

"Besides, you gotta admit that night at the arcade was a lot of fun."

"I didn't like him back then, either." Wanda said as we got to the school.

"Alright, this is where we split." Pietro told me.

"You what?"

"The X-Men can't see us hanging out or they'll know something's up. We're going to keep an eye on you from across the class or the hallway or whatever, so you can build trust with the X-Pests." Wanda said before handing me a piece of paper.

"Your phone number?"

"Don't get the wrong idea. I still hate you but this is in case your cover is blown or you need us to get rid of extra third parties." Wanda said.

"Why not give me Pietro's?"

"Because I never pick up."

"And he has the most irritating voice mails on planet Earth. Now just go about your day and eventually you'll run into Frost."

"Frost? What do they have ice powers or something?"

"Don't be stupid. Having two mutants that freeze people would be absurd." Pietro said.

"He said as the brother to one of four known telepaths." Wanda added rolling her eyes. The two of them walked away from me with Pietro shouting "REMEMBER, WE DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER, (Y,N)!"

"Fucking dumbass..." I muttered before walking into school. I walked to my locker, switching out my normal books ////// for comic books. Then I felt something before looking up and seeing Gwen putting up her hood and almost running away. She was next to Betty Brant who looked like she was trying to get her to come back and that they had been originally been walking in my direction. It fucking hurt to see Gwen like that, I won't lie. Then Betty angrily walked towards me.

"I hope you're happy, asshole." She said as she opened Gwen's locker.

"About what exactly?"

"Gwen's a complete and total wreck because of you! You completely and utterly have shattered her."

"I- no I didn't! How would I do that!?"

"Gwen is now certain she's a horrible person because of you and your dumb little fight." She grabbed Gwen's books out of her locker and closed it.

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