A Flash and a Hard Place

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"What's Wrong with your tongue?"

"I bi ii. Really harth." I told my best friend as we met up in school. Gwen Stacy. She doesn't just happen to be my best friend but she's also my crush. I don't get why she hangs out with me but I'm glad she does. We're two ends on the same spectrum. The same and opposites at the same time. She's the only reason I'm passing right now. I noticed she was repeatedly stretching and moving her arm around. "Wassup with you?"

"Huh? I guess I just slept wrong last night. My leg and my arm feel kinda stiff. Not to mention my back. I feel like I might have scoliosis. Anyway, did you study for the biology test last night?"

"You kno I diden." I said. Gwen rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You really've got to do better with school, (Y,N). What's your average? Fifty Four?"

"Sexteh Four! Besides, I don nee to be gud at schul, anewaes. Thes shets for lozehs... no offensh."

"None taken.... look, I'm just worried for you is all."

"Yea, well don. I'll be fiiiiiiin." I said. "An for ur informashion, I'm killen et en bio. I kno everythin abou Evolushion and Mutashions like the bac of my han. It's like ish in my DNA or somethin." I said before lightly chuckling at my own joke.

"Really? Because I could use some pointers." Gwen and I looked behind us to see Felicia Hardy standing there with her arms folded. Gwen scoffed.

"Hey, Felicia." She said not really wanting to speak to Felicia.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but ease drop and I have to say I'm in desperate need of a study buddy in Bio. So how 'bout it, (L,N)?"

"Gonna hath to take a hard pass dere." I said. "Studying wif you requiresh me to studeh ash well ash spend time wif you."

"Oh don't be so full of yourself, (L,N)." She said. "You know most guys would kill for the opportunity to be alone with me."

"Well (Y,N) isn't most guys." Gwen said.

"Relax, Gwyneth. Are you afraid I'm going to steal your only friend away from you?"

"No, I'm just reiterating (Y,N)'s not interested so you should drop it."

"Wha she said." I added. Felicia rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Whatever. I could easily just get the next biggest science nerd in school to tutor me instead... well, third biggest nerd I suppose since I doubt you're willing to help out, right Gwen?" She asked before walking away.

"God, she gets on my nerves!" Gwen huffed.

"Don worry about her. She's not worf it. On the plus side I dink my tongue ///// is getting betta." I said. Wait did I just- my thought was cut off by someone shoving me face first into a locker door. "OW! BITCH!"

"What do you think you're doing, (L,N)?" Flash Thompson asked.

"Wel now I'm plotting my revenge..." I muttered under my breath.

"Losers like you need to learn Felicia Hardy is off limits and out of your league!"

"S-she... she talked to me!" I said before spinning me around and slamming me into the locker again. I saw Gwen flinch when she saw me get thrown back into the locker and then stop herself from doing something. Like she was gonna lunge in to fight for me like she stood a chance against Flash. Now I know what you're saying. Hey! You've got superpowers! Why don't you fuck this guy up!? Well it's because before I got these powers I wasn't exactly an award winning martial artist. And I don't exactly look like the person who can throw a car, or even body a quarterback like Flash. Gotta make sure these asshats don't put two and two together and realize I'm the spider guy.

"Oh, so now you're lying to save your ass? Well now I'm going to kick your butt twice as hard!" Flash said.

"Niesh Spongebob referensh! It's funny because your personality is just as Flat as Flats's!" I said.

"Really, Flash? Why don't you try picking on someone you're own size for a change!?" We both looked over and saw this red head with Norman Osbourne's kid watching on. I think her name was Mary Jane or something.

"Oh, come on! A six inch height differensh isn't that big of a deal!" I said before Flash looked over at me and grunted. He dropped me to the floor and began to walk away.

"Whatever. I'll catch you later (L,N). And remember what I said about Felicia Hardy!" He said before Gwen immediately ran over to check on me, kneeling down next to me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just Flash. For a linebacker he hits like a girl... no offense." I said.

"Non taken. Also, I don't think he's a linebacker."

"Left fielder?"

"Do you have a concussion?"

"No I just don't know shit about football."

"Hey, are you okay?" Mary Jane asked walking over to me. "I'm sorry Flash can be such a blockhead."

"Again, I'm fine. Flash is a bitch." I rolled my eyes. "I guess I'm supposed to say thanks or something?"

"Or something? If it wasn't for-"

"Relax, Harry." Mary Jane said. "A thanks would be appreciated, though."

"Okay, then thanks." I said.

"Is he always like this?" Mary Jane asked Gwen.

"Unfortunately, yes. He gets into more fights he actually deserves than he does random stupid fights with Flash."

"Yeah, and I win those." I said getting up and dusting myself off.


"Mary Jane, right? We're in the same History Class." I said.

"Oh, yeah. And you're (Y,N) (L,N)?"


"Well, I should get going. I've got to get to class. We should talk more often in history." Mary Jane said.

"Uh, sure I guess." I shrugged. Mary Jane turned around to walk away with the Osbourne guy again before turning around.

"Oh, and (Y,N)? You can call me MJ if you want. That's what all my friends call me." She said before continuing to leave.

"...I never said I was your friend." I muttered.

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