A Week In Review

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"What are you doing?" Wanda asked as she teleported into my room. She wore her usual red leather jacket along with a white tank top that said "Me? Sarcastic? Never." (Side note the collar was low enough that you could see a bit of cleavage) and black leather pants.

"I, uh, kinda realized I don't live in the nicest place around. I was thinking I would try to clean it up a bit."

"Why are you webbing a rock into the hole in your wall?"

"Because I'm gonna spray paint it green to match the wall."

"Don't your webs dissolve eventually?"

"I... do they? I don't stick around to find out most of the time."

"You're hopeless." She rolled her eyes and waved a hand causing the rock to disappear. She then waved it again and my wall closed over the hole, making it seem like it wasn't missing a piece to begin with. "How did that even happen?"

"Night I got home after I got my spider powers. Punched a hole in the wall. So what are you doing here?"

"Bored. Thought we could hang out."

"I... did you just admit to wanting to hang out with me."

"Uh, yeah, I guess I did." She said awkwardly. "If you don't wanna just say so. You're not gonna hurt my feelings."

"No I wanna hang out! I think it'd be cool, I just also really wanna clean this place up."

"Alright I'll help then."

"Really? Just like that?"

"Yeah. Just like that."

. . .

"And that was the first and last time I trusted Domino." Wanda said as we laid on my couch and looked around my new and improved room, all except for the loose floorboard. "I guess you clean up nicely." She had taken off her jacket and basically made herself at home.

"I couldn't have without you."

"Ain't that the truth." She said with a smirk.

"Your smile is nice." I said absent mindedly. She looked up at me surprised. I didn't apologize for what I said and just looked back at her. Her cheeks turned their own form of scarlet.

"You're cuter when you shut up." She said before turning to look away.

"You think I'm cute?"

"I said you're cuter. A donkey with a bow on it is cuter than one without it but it's still an ass."

"It can be a cute ass."

"Yeah, well you're a smart ass."

"That's the first time you've called me smart."

"And it won't be the last time I call you an ass."

"Can I be a cute smart ass?" I asked. She looked up at me with a smirk.

"Nope. That's me."

"I thought you were just smart and had a cute ass?" I said. She sat up and turned to look at me which caused me to shift from my laying down position. I didn't realize it until then but we had been practically cuddling, although I did stiffen up a little when she initially laid down on me. I sat up with my feet on the ground and Wanda was on her knees on the cushions of the couch. "Too much?"

"You think I'm smart?"

"That's the part you have a problem with? Is that a joke? Of course I think you're smart. Sometimes you make me feel like Pietro and I only share one brain cell. You just stopped me from spray painting a rock green and pretending it's my wall. Besides Emma you're probably the smartest person I know." I said. She covered her mouth with her hand and she was blushing a little bit as she looked away.

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