Rogue Like

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I debated on going to school today due to the fact that there was so much shit I just didn't want to deal with. How do I explain to MJ that I was abducted by Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch because I'm a mutant and they were going to force me to join their cult or kill me? Do I owe her an explanation? Like is she even my friend? What if Pietro and Wanda recovered from last night's ass kicking and were ready to beat the shit out of me? How do I even look Gwen in the eyes? If I do see her do I try to talk things out or do I ask her if she watched me get tortured by the other two and decided not to save me? Did I have Math homework? Despite my better judgement, I went to school and it seemed like I didn't have to deal with much.

There were no signs of Wanda and Pietro anywhere, and it looked like Gwen decided to be the one who skipped school instead. I got my books out of my locker, and by that I mean I picked which of my comic books I was going to read instead of paying attention in class. I closed my locker and-

"Jesus!" I said as I saw Rogue inches away from me. We both moved backwards, Rogue seemed like she must've been trying to figure out what to say to me to strike up a conversation while I was going through my locker. "Don't sneak up on people like that!"

"S-sorry!" She responded. There was a red complexion to her pale skin. Not gonna lie it's kinda cute when she blushes. She had on a black tank top underneath a purple blouse.

"You know if you do that on the streets here you're gonna get shot or something. Anyways, what do you want? If you're about to ask me to join your you-know-what Gang again I'm gonna-"

"No it's not that! I was just tryna... hi." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you like... on crack or something?"

"You're really hard to talk to."

"I get that a lot." I said rolling my eyes.

"Look, I just wanted to a tell ya that I'm gonna be... sticking around for awhile. In New York and all."


"I was also wondering ///////if maybe you could like... I dunno, show me around or somethi-"

"Ugh, hold that thought." I said before I got my side slammed into the lockers and someone squeezed my arm in a hammerlock.

"(L,N) what did I tell you about talking to pretty girls!?" Flash asked me.

"Nothing. You told me not to talk to Felicia Hardy." I said before he shoved the side of my head into the locker again.

"(Y,N)!?" Rogue said in distress, probably confused on why I wasn't kicking Flash's ass right now.

"Just let this happen. It's like this every day." I said before Flash let me go.

"Oh, hey. You must be new to the school. I'm Flash Thompson. And you are?"

"Not interested." Rogue scoffed.

"Oh, I get it. (L,N) was probably trying to manipulate you to make himself seem like less of a loser. He has a tendency to do that. Why don't I show you around instea-" Flash began to say before he grabbed Rogue's wrist. He happened to touch the only part of exposed skin on Rogue's arm besides her shoulders. I thought I saw like a quick light go off before Flash held his head.

"I said not interested!" Rogue said before throwing him over her shoulder like a quarterback. Flash looked completely out of it.

"Woah." I said. Rogue held her own head in pain for a couple of seconds before looking at me. "You weren't joking about that stealing people's shit thing."

"You just let him bully you like this every day? Why?"

"I'd like to keep the other side of me a secret from all of these idiots here. Especially the part where I'm a super criminal. If I cocooned this jerkoff or threw him around looking the way I look, I'd be in serious trouble. Teachers would call the cops, I'd be on everyone's Snapchat stories, I couldn't just go back to being the kid no one cares about enough to find out he lives by himself in a rundown apartment with a bunch of brand new technology." I said before the bell rang. "Class. While it's been fun I've gotta go continue my life of misery." I said before walking away. Except for some reason I stopped and looked back at Rogue. She had begun walking away too before I called out her name. She looked back at me and I walked back towards her. "Listen I... had a falling out with my literal only friend in the world and... I'm... sorry for being kinda a dick... even though this is how I am all the time and not just because Gwen hates me."

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