Something of an Absolute Legend Himself

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"Rednecks on parade!
Don't ever cross my line says Everglade!" MJ sang as we walked to Harry's job.

"Is that your favorite one off the record?" I asked her.

"No but I think I might wanna play one of their songs at practice tonight. I think it could be fun. I'm just trying to figure out which one I sound the best singing. What's your favorite? Maybe that's the one we'll play."

"Shitlist. Easily."

"Are you sure it's not Pretend We're Dead? You did spray paint it on a bridge."

"I... yeah, I'm sure." I said. I didn't know how to go that was Gwen's favorite L7 song. Not mine. We got to the building and holy fuck. Looking at Oscorp. HQ in person was jarring. It's like if Avenger's Tower didn't look like a dilapidated piece of shit now. In fact it looked better than Avenger's Tower used to. "Woah."

"Is this your first time seeing it?"

"Yeah it's... holy fuck. What does Harry do here exactly?"

"He's a scientist working on a solution to pollution."

"That rhymes."

"And I wanna go look at the holograms. Come on." She said. I followed her in and my heart dropped when Gwen was the first thing I saw. She was typing away at a computer at the front desk in front of a waterfall cascading over blue neon lights that said "O S C O R P ." I took MJ to the side before Gwen looked up.

"You didn't tell me she was the receptionist!" I whispered to her.

"I thought she would've told you when you were friends!"

"She didn't and I needed a little more time to prepare to see her! I thought I would've at least had a second to talk with Harry before you dragged her down from her office!"

"Well it's kinda the opposite. Sorry!"

"What!?" I accidentally shouted at full volume. I looked behind me and sure enough Gwen popped her head up and became flustered at the sight of me.

"(Y-Y,N)? I-uh- this is a s-surprise, w-wow." She said fixing her hair before looking at MJ. "MJ? What's going on?"

"So uh, (Y,N) and I were actually hanging out and lost track of time and Harry said he was going to a hockey game and asked (Y,N) if he wanted to go with and you were gonna get me from my place so I thought we'd all just meet up here so you didn't have to drive to my house and (Y,N) could get to Harry's and here we are now." MJ explained trying to make this the least awkward she could for everyone.

It wasn't working.

"Uh, okay." Gwen said still obviously as bothered by this sudden meeting as I was. She picked up her phone. "Harry, (Y,N) is here to see you." She said trying to look any direction except towards me. She heard something on the other end and put the phone down. "He'll uh, he'll be down in a second. And I've still got another half hour on the clock. You guys can hang out here I guess."

"Cool, cool. I'm just gonna go use the bathroom real quick." MJ said.

"You're what!?" I said. I couldn't believe she was about to leave me alone with Gwen like that despite the train wreck that was that last 60 seconds.

"I'll be out quick, I promise!" She said before walking away. Apparently she knew where the bathrooms were in this TARDIS of a building. The first floor felt like the size of Central Park alone. Hell, there was even a tree in here. It felt as busy as a normal New York street in here to. A bunch of Wall Street looking jocks on there phones as well as scientists in lab coats. But eventually I looked back at Gwen.

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