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I woke up and stretched before looking around. I don't remember my room being a cold looking futuristic room with a- oh yeah... mutants. I looked at the end of the bed and saw a bunch of clothes just thrown all around.

"You know, I don't know why I was expecting Pietro to fold clothes." I said to myself before looking through the clothes. I put on some black jeans, a Black t shirt with a yellow outlined smiley face on it before putting on white and black flannel and black jeans. "Oh wow, that son of a bitch got me a Rolex!?" I said putting on said Rolex. I went to check my phone and realized "Oh, fuck me I lost it last night!" I got out of the room and began walking down the hall before I saw Wanda walking down the hall and stopping when she saw me.

"So... hi. You still mad about that Brooklyn Bridge thing?"

"Drop dead."

"Oh come on, don't be shitty! All I did was fake you out and then tie you up to a the bottom of the bridge! You're the one who tried to drown me!"

"The difference is, idiot, you were never in danger of dying! Mystique needed you alive and the water was just a bargaining tool! We weren't actually going to murder you, dumbass! Besides how the hell was I supposed to know you couldn't swim!?"

"...Context clues?" I said. Wanda scoffed and began to walk away. "Hey, Wanda, come on, I'm sorry. Besides you weren't in danger of actually dying like Pietro and he's cool with me now."

"Pietro is an idiot."

"That's besides the point!"

"And even though he's an idiot, Pietro is still my brother, so if you even think about throwing him off another building you're going to relive your own death for 200 years."

"Look, we're gonna be working together soon so we gotta learn how to live together."

"I don't need to do shit with you, you cocksucker."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Why don't we go out somewhere? We can get all buddy buddy again."

"Again? We were never buddies. You think just because you've got a cute face and a bad boy streak that-"

"Did you just call me cute?"

"Shut up and leave me alone!" Wanda said before walking away, again.

"Well, that's great. Stuck working with the bitch for god knows how long and she hates my guts." I muttered. "Guess I've got a knack for getting girls to hate me lately."

"They're just playing hard to get." I heard someone say. I looked behind me and saw the guy who was watching tv from earlier walking towards me before putting his arm around my shoulder. "Sorry, I assume you were talking to me because no one else was here and if you were talking to yourself, you'd look crazy."

"Man, everyone's really touchy feely around here-" I muttered before going "Hey, Lance, right?"

"Yeah. So Lady problems, huh? I've been there. I used to know this chick named Kate who was crazy for me but wouldn't admit it. Still won't. Witch is probably the same way."

"Yeah, thanks, but I don't think Wanda has a crush on me. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for anyone to like me."

"Jeez are you always this depressing to be around?"

"Actually I'm usually a lot more annoying to be around." I said getting agitated. I get this is how people be "nice" but he was getting on my nerves.

"Anyways I was told to take you to Mystique. She's got something she wants to discuss with you." Lance said.

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