One Little Fight

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It began raining as I started swinging wildly at Gwen as she dodged all of the attacks before grabbing my arms.

"Hey, cool it!" She shouted.

"Cool it!? You just kicked me in the face and threw Black Cat off a building!" I snapped back.

"Okay, well I'm sorry but I've kind of had a hard couple of days if you haven't noticed!"

"You have had a hard couple of days!? What did your supposed best friend try to shame you while being a total hypocrite and making you feel like shit!?" I asked her before kicking her in the jaw and proceeding to try to hit her again.

"No! My best friend just blew up a freaking building and made out with a criminal!"

"You're forgetting the part where the building belonged to someone who tried to kill me a few nights ago! And at least I never just sat there and watched your attempted murder!"

"Can you stop trying to hit me and can we actually just talk this out!?"

"No!" I said before I successfully socked her off the building. She was able to hold on to the wall for slight seconds as she at least softened the impact of her fall. I jumped down as she picked herself up. "You didn't want to talk things out and I had to literally drag you to my apartment to talk when you started acting all passive aggressive towards me, so I'm not gonna talk until I get to be aggressive aggressive!" I told her.

"This isn't like you!"

"And how the hell would you know what's like me!?" I said swinging again as Gwen dodged the punches again.

"What are you talking about!? Of course I know you! Or at least I thought I did!"

"Ditto!" I said.

"Could you just stop for two seconds! I'm begging you!"

"What!? What is so god damn important!?"

"What's so important!? Our friendship is that god damn important, you asshole!" She shouted. I finally stopped throwing punches. "Please..."

"I'm not the one who tried to throw everything away." I said before taking my mask off. My voice was breaking and I felt a knot in my throat. "You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me this is my fault."

"I know I overreacted a little bit, especially since I'm... me, and I should apologize, but you have to understand how hurt I was when I found out you were a supervillain." She took her mask off, too.

"You're hurt!? Do you have any idea how hurt I was when I found out you were Spidergirl and you didn't tell me!? I'm still hurt! And you had the audacity to snap at me for not telling you I'm... me?"

"It's different! I-"

"What? You're trying to protect me or some shit!? That's stupid! I could use that same bullshit on you! I was almost murdered by four different people in the last three days! A fuckton more if you count Kingpin's grunts! No one ever tries to kill the Spidergirl because everyone loves her!"

"Are you delusional!? If everyone loves the Spidergirl then what about you!? What about that night after the show!?" Gwen shouted. I froze when she mentioned that.

. . .

(Y,N) went hurdling down the side of the cliff and landed halfway into a river where he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Immediately after he fell unconscious. That's when Gwen had arrived on the scene. She had been going around as "The Spidergirl" only for about a month now. She had been desperately trying to follow a mix of blood on the streets and erratic tire tracks. She finally caught up to the van and noticed the doors had been swinging open. She looked around desperately before she spotted (Y,N), unconscious and slowly falling fully into the river and beginning to flow with the current. She immediately swung down to action to save her best friend and crush, pulling him out of the river. She checked his pulse, it was faint but it was still there. She turned her head in the direction the van was heading with hate and made a split decision to swing into that direction. She once again caught up to the van and pulled one of the wheels off the van, causing it to crash into a tree. Immediately she realized the possible consequences of her actions and quickly webbed her way back to the river, not checking to see if they lived or not. She made it back to (Y,N) who was still unconscious. However he had stopped breathing at that point. She desperately pumped on his chest but it wasn't working. Finally she lifted her mask above her mouth and tried mouth to mouth resuscitation. It was technically her first kiss and (Y,N)'s too. She had dreamed for a couple months about kissing (Y,N) and how sweet it would feel, however she didn't imagine it would be like this. However she was relieved once she heard a sharp breath come from under her and (Y,N) began coughing up water. She quickly pulled her mask back down.

"Relax, everything's going to be alrig-" Gwen began to say before (Y,N) pushed her away.

"Get offa- *cough* me..." He said coughing repeatedly.

"Hey, I just saved your life, I-"

"What is this the *cough* part where I'm *cough* *cough* supposed to thank you? Thanks for not being there for *cough* my best friend who would've been mugged or worse if I didn't sacrifice myself for her! Thanks for waiting until I got stabbed and thrown out of a car to do something!"


"I know your game! All of you dumb superheroes! You could save me a thousand times but I'm always gonna hate people like you! You're never really there when people need you, only when they're desperate enough to worship you like a god if you save them as their life is flashing before their eyes! And even then, you waste your time saving people like me, and not people who deserve to live! You couldn't save my mom, or my dad, or the Kassidys, and if I wasn't there you wouldn't have saved Gw-... Gwe... Gweeeeee..." (Y,N) said before passing out in pain.

. . .

"Do you realize how shitty I felt despite saving your life? Feeling like no matter what I did, you'd always hate this part of me?" She asked me. "Even if I was comfortable enough to tell you without lying awake at night wondering if I was going to be the death of you, I couldn't tell you out of fear that you'd hate me just as much as you hate The Spidergirl."

"...Did you really think I could hate you so easily?"

"...Do you hate me now?" Gwen asked. There was a silence. Gwen started sniffling and crying. "I guess that proves I wasn't wrong for thinking you could then."

"So, this is it then?" I asked. Gwen seemed taken aback by my question.

"A-are you really that ready to throw in the t-towel after one fight?" Again I didn't answer. "I...I...I'll... I've gotta go..." Gwen said.

"Gwen, wait-" I said before she ran off and started to swing away. I was about ///////////to chase her but I felt the ground rumble beneath me. I turned around to get trampled by some absolute unit that sent me through the building. "Ugh! What the fuck!?" I said before I saw some huge fucking freakazoid standing in front of me.

"You (Y,N) (L,N)?"

"Yeah and I'm about to kick every square inch of your 500 pound ass you /////// son of a Bitch!" I shouted before all of the sudden the ground started to shake again. This time it wasn't due to the guy running at me. I tried to keep my balance before The building collapsed partially onto me.

"Scarlet and Silver were right. He's got a bit of a temper. He'll fit right in."

"Scarlet? Silver?" I muttered before pushing the debris off me and staring at this guy in a stupid helmet and a leather jacket next to fatass. "You're ///////with those fuckers!?" I asked before getting ready to shoot webs at both of them but then a... tongue wrapped around my arms!?

"Ge''im Blob!" A slimy looking kid with a green tint to his skin said. I looked back and the fat one ran at me and the next thing I knew I was knocked out.

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