Creep (Road Trip Part 7/End)

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Quick Authors Note: This is the only one of the five endings that's canon. Everything else are hypothetical endings that we decided to write anyways as an apology for a very inactive 2023.

- Emma

"Sup?" Laura spoke up behind me with her arms crossed. She walked over next to me and sat down on the edge with me. "What brings you to these here parts?" She asked.

"I've got a lot on my mind." I said. "It was kinda eating at me. It eats at me more the longer I stay here in general."

"And what's that?"

"Rogue tried to convince me otherwise earlier but meeting all of these different people saving the world, all of these people who like me, and getting to know all of you guys, and everyone repeatedly asking me to stick around and join the X-Men... I can't help but think you guys... you guys got me all wrong. I'm not a good person. Why else would it take 18 years for someone to give a shit about me besides the people who were legally responsible for raising me? Do you know how many people I've hurt as Spider-Man?"

"..." Laura stared at me like I was insulting her for some reason. Like I didn't know what I was talking about. Her sleek hair flowed in the wind as her cold steely eyes stared me down so I knew she was about to say something serious. I was used to her listening to me rant but not understanding why I was making such a big deal out of it. This time was different. She wasn't indifferent. She almost looked angry. I don't like how much it reminded me of Wolverine. But I couldn't help but also notice how stunning she seemed to look despite the lump in my throat looking at her. She finally spoke after what felt like an eternity.

"Do you know how many people I've killed?"


"You think what you've done makes you a bad person absolutely irredeemable? I've actually killed people. My earliest memories are being told to kill people and then doing it exactly how I'm told. I've watched the life drain from their fucking eyes. I could practically see their souls leaving their bodies, and I was the one who took them. My own mother-..." She stopped and for the first time ever, Laura seemed completely vulnerable. She was practically hugging herself and I went to hug her myself but she pushed me away. "Every single day I wake up and remember I was put on this earth to be the ultimate killing weapon. I was raised to kill anyone in this world in a split second. And everyday I'm worried that I'm nothing more than a weapon. But when I'm with you, I forget all that. I feel... normal. Like I'm an actual human and not a fucked up experiment. You make me feel real. A bad guy wouldn't be able to do that. A bad guy wouldn't be able to make me feel... safe. Make me feel like I'm safe enough to get close to someone. And safe as in... safe enough to say all of this." Laura let out. I stared at her as she stared off into the horizon. I was working up the nerve to try to say something as the song played before Laura spoke again saying "I want you to know I do notice."


"I notice when you're not around." She said before looking at me. "I won't see you for a few days but then I'll smell you it makes me feel sick, but in a good way. Like something is jumping around in my stomach in excitement. And I've never trusted anyone before like I've trusted you in such a short time. You make me want to attack you but not like kill you. In a way with the same amount of warmth that you fill me with any time I spend time with you. Like... like..." She said before jumping up and kissing me. After everything that just happened I couldn't let this go on any longer without telling her the truth. As much as it hurts me to backstab Wanda and Pietro like this, it would absolutely kill me if I backstabbed Laura and the others after this weekend and everything we've been through. I pushed her off gently as I part of me still wanted to keep going.

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