Talking with the Enemy

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I practically jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone before I called her. After a couple rings she picked up.

"Hey (Y-"

"Rogue are you at school yet!?"

"Uhhhh no? I'm on my way there now with Kitty and Laura. Why what's up?"

"Thank god! Rogue, listen, last night I went out and I saved this girl named Black Cat's life! After I did she kissed me! She kissed me! And a bunch of people took pictures of it! So if you see people talking about it at school or whatever just know I didn't kiss her! So don't be mad!"

"Uh, okay I... w-why would I be mad?" She asked. She sounded kind of happy on her end. "It's not like we're goin' steady or anything, are we?" She added. Wait why am I telling her this? I'm not dating her.

"...I'll see you at school, bye!" I quickly hung up the phone.

. . .

"You're the absolute worst!"

"Keep your voice down, you maniac! Unless you want everyone to know your favorite piece of blackmail!" I whispered to Brant in the hallway.

"You wait until I get you a job as the only person to get pictures of Spider-Man to make out with some chick in the middle of New York for everyone to take a picture of!?"

"I wasn't planning on getting kissed there it just kinda happened. And all of the pictures are pretty shitty. You still have the person who can take the best clear pictures of me. So stop whining."

"Whatever! You owe me new pictures of Spider-Man now, jerk!"

"Jerk? Wow. Running out of insults?"

"Listen here you little- Hey, Felicia!" Brant switched up her attitude as I'm sure Felicia was standing behind me but I didn't care.

"Hey, (Y,N), help a girl out?" Felicia said completely ignoring Brant. I rolled my eyes before turning around to see what she wanted. There was something different about her. She wore the same thing she usually did, a white button up long sleeve with black pants, she was missing the pink sweater that I only just now realized her and Brant seemed to have a matching pair of this whole time. I guess I never paid too much attention until now. She also had black lipstick on.

"I'm not doing your homework, I don't even do my own."

"That's not what this was about but good to know for future reference. What I wanted to ask was do you know anything about punk rock?" She asked. I looked down at my Circle Jerks shirt.

"I know of the genre, yes."

"Alright, well I need you to settle an argument. Who's the better bass player? Sid Vicious or Dee Dee Ramone?"

"Is that a joke question? Dee Dee, all the way. Sid couldn't even play the first half of his one year career. They unplugged his amp at the start of every show and he only played one song on the album."

"Okay but Sid transcends punk. The name lives out through different media like how Bonnie and Clyde were nothing but gas station robbers that the FBI hyped up so it wasn't as embarrassing that they took 3 years to catch 2 people. Bonnie didn't even shoot a gun once at a person in her entire life. And Sid got good eventually."

"Wow, I'm impressed Hardy. I thought I was the only one that knew that much about Bonnie and Clyde."

"I've got a thing for thieves and bandits."

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