Road Trip Part 3

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Real Quick We Want to Apologize for How Long this Took to Came Out We Kept Re-Writing and Deleting Sections of this chapter over the last 2 months that's on us, sorry. - Emma & Kurt

Just as Rogue asked me if I wanted to bring anyone Laura started to stir before stretching and yawning and looking around. She blinked a couple times before looking at the gas station.

"Oh my. Inflation has left Chuck in shambles. Now the school is nothing more than a gas station." She said flatly.

"We stopped at a gas station." I told her. "Wanna go get snacks?"

"Sure, I'm game." Laura said. Laura quickly unfastened her seatbelt and hopped out the van before stretching. I heard one of her vertebrae pop before she looked back at me. "Are we getting food or are you just gonna stare at my ass from behind that window?" I got out and closed the van door behind me before looking at Laura.

"Am I allowed to look at your ass on the same side of the window as you are?"

"Not if you don't wanna lose an eye." She said before walking towards the gas station. We got in and started looking around.

"Alright, flaming hot Cheetos for Jubilee with a pack of gum, sour patch kids for Dazzler, cosmic brownies for Kitty, and salt and vinegar chips for Rogue."

"You really gotten to know everyone that well you know what they want from the store without asking them?"

"Yeah, I guess so. It's kinda weird now that I think about it with my background considered."

"Well can you guess what I'm gonna get?"

"...Slim Jims?"

"Holy shit that's actually freaky." Laura said. I shrugged before walking to get everyone's stuff. "So what were you guys talking about while I slept?"

"We were going over everyone's favorite moments with each other. Everyone was getting a little jumpy so I tried to diffuse the situation. Being angry hasn't really been my thing lately."

"Oh yeah? Anything I should know was said about me?"

"Nothing really of note. Kitty's favorite memory of you was the prank for April fools where they replaced your whole wardrobe with blue and yellow for some reason."

"Yeah, I couldn't be mad at the effort put into that and making sure they got everything in and out before I left the danger room."

"I don't get it, why blue and yellow?"

"Oh no reason..." She said before she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked like she had the most horrifying image in her head and I thought I saw a single bead of sweat roll down her forehead.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?"

"Nothing it's just... I just realized there's a chance you meet someone today." She said. Before I could push her further she said "Anyways! What was your favorite memory of everyone?"

"We never got around to my turn."

"Well I'm asking now. What are your favorite moments of everyone?"

"Well I mean, I don't think it's fair to do it when none of the other girls can find out you know?" I said. I really just didn't wanna go "I liked the time Jubilee stripped for me after playing a game, Rogue and I almost made out in the hallway, and when me and my favorite musician flirted pretty sexually and I got to stare at her abs" to Laura who despite playing it cool afterwards, I'm pretty sure has a crush on me after she kissed me not too long ago. There's also the off chance she'd get real jealous I watched a movie with Kitty but I wasn't counting on that.

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