More Alive Than Usual

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"Hey, webhead." I looked over and before I could continue with my usual "who the fuck" "what the fuck" blah blah blah I was... infatuated. There was a girl standing there in a tight black tank top that cut just under her belly button. She had a nice beige pallet of skin and dark black hair. She was also in leather black tights that showed off her... assets well. Wait did she just call me Webhead? "Relax, I'm not a fed or anyone gunning for you. I'm a friend of Rogue's and I'm here more to make sure she doesn't get hurt than anything else." She said practically reading my mind.

"Oh. Uh, hi." I said. "What's your name?"


"X-23?" I repeated.

"Its the name I was born with." She shrugged.

"Well is there anything more... human I can call you?"

"My friends call me Laura. Laura Kinney."

"Oh, well I'm (Y,N). My enemies call me (L,N) though. Which is like everyone at the school. Anyway it's nice to meet you Laura."

"Cool." There was was an awkward silence as that wasn't what I was expecting her to say.

"...'And it's nice to meet you, too?'" I said clarifying the response I was expecting. She smiled.

"Yeah. I guess it is."

"So, uh, is there anything I can do for you?" I asked.

"No. Not really. Just wanted to see what the big deal was about. Kitty said you'd be an asshole or something but I guess she was wrong."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but she's right. I'm just having an off day I guess."

"How come?"

"Well my best friend hates me now thanks to your friends exposing me as the Spider Criminal and now it feels like everywhere I turn either one of your buddies or those Brotherhood freaks are there to try to whisk me away to join your mutant COD Clans. And now it's starting to feel less like it's for my benefit and more just so I can be used as a weapon." I said. As I said the last part Laura looked like I struck a nerve and she seemed to have a wave of unpleasant memories wash over her. "It just feels like I have the whole world out to get me right now and my one ally in the whole thing just abandoned me."

"That... sucks." She said in a sad tone like she couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Yeah well I guess it sucks to suck." I said with an awkward laugh. Laura let out a pity laugh.

"You come up with that yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah. Kinda my catchphrase, I guess."

"Well I don't wanna keep hounding you like the others so I guess I better get out of your hair." She said kinda backing off. She seemed uneasy since the "weapon" comment.

"Wait, hold on!" I said. I don't know why but I didn't really want her to go. She stopped walking away and looked at me confused by my sudden outburst. "I don't really mind talking with you. You don't have to leave if you think it bothers me." I said scratching the back of my head. Laura smirked at me and crossed her arms as she shifted and pointed one hip out.

"Sure you don't mind being bugged by a freak like me?"

"Are you a mutant, too?" I asked her. "Wait, stupid question, you're friends with the other ones and your name is X-23." I said half to myself before regaining my composure and she lightly giggled. "I do have a little time to kill and you seemed like you wanted something besides giving me a heart attack."

"I mean I am interested in finding out what this big bad mutation everyone is freaking out about is."

"Well then, maybe if you show me yours I'll sh////ow you mine." I said with a smirk before Laura put a fist towards my face and two blades stuck out of her knuckles and poked at my chin.

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